Translation for "ocurrido de repente" to english
Translation examples
Había ocurrido de repente, como cuando en las películas se abre una fuga en un avión que vuela a gran altura.
It had happened suddenly, as in a movie when suddenly you see a hole opening in a plane at a high altitude.
Frunció el ceño, como si algo se le hubiera ocurrido de repente.
He frowned, as if something had suddenly occurred to him.
Pero a ella se le había ocurrido de repente una nueva y perturbadora idea.
But for herself, a new and disturbing thought had suddenly occurred to her.
Estuviese Miss Vivian enamorada o no de Gordon Wright, lo cierto era que su madre sí estaba enamorada de su fortuna y que se le había ocurrido de repente que, en vez de tratar con civilizada desconfianza al amigo del pretendiente de su hija, mejor sería para sus intereses darle a conocer un atisbo de su pensamiento y seducirle mediante la simpatía.
Whether or no Miss Vivian were in love with Gordon Wright, her mother was enamored of Gordon's fortune, and it had suddenly occurred to her that instead of treating the friend of her daughter's suitor with civil mistrust, she would help her case better by giving him a hint of her state of mind and appealing to his sense of propriety.
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