Translation for "ocho o" to english
Ocho o
  • eight o
  • eight or
Translation examples
eight o
Números de prisionero de uno y siete dobles y siete-ocho-o, uno-siete-dos y siete-ocho-uno y uno-siete-dos y siete-ocho-dos, señor.
Prisoner's numbers one-seven-double-seven-eight-o, one-seven-double-seven-eight-one and one-seven-double-seven-eight-two, sir.
—A las ocho en punto— dijo. Con un gesto, su hijo programó el reloj a las ocho.
Eight o clock,” he said. With a flourish, his son moved the hands of the clock to eight.
eight or
Ocho o nueve.
- Eight or nine.
Los ocho no eran más que los ocho.
Eight was just eight.
Así era el ocho ocho.
The eight eight was like that.
Ocho, ocho y ocho -dijo Miller con tono cansino.
Eight, eight and eight, said Miller wearily.
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