Translation for "obedecerte" to english
Translation examples
—¿Tendría que obedecerte?
“Would I have to obey you?”
Recibí instrucciones de obedecerte.
I was instructed to obey you.
—Las puertas no están ahí para obedecerte.
“The door is not here to obey you.”
—Obliga a los hombres a obedecerte.
Force the men to obey you.
Sire, no puedo obedecerte.
Sire, I cannot obey you.
Y hasta Kossil y Thar tendrán que obedecerte.
Even Kossil and Thar will have to obey you.
Te repito que no me negaré a obedecerte.
I repeat that I shan't refuse to obey you.
Eso tiene tanto peso en mí como el juramento que presté de obedecerte.
That is as strong in me as the oath I swore to obey you.
Prometo obedecerte, mi señor. ¡Lo prometo!
I promise to obey you, m’Lord. I promise!”
Escucha. si-- ¿Juró obedecerte?
Listen, if- She swore to obey?
¿Por qué debemos obedecerte?
Why should we obey?
- Honrarte y obedecerte...
Honor and obey...
   - Oírte es obedecerte, eminencia.
To hear is to obey, Exalted One.
—Pero ¿tendré que prometer que voy a obedecerte?
“But I won’t have to promise to obey?
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