Translation for "no era de" to english
Translation examples
Desafió a su tío casándose con Sofía Chotek que no era de sangre real.
He defied his uncle by marrying Sophie Chotek, who was not of royal blood.
Tal vez Akenatón no era de esta Tierra.
Perhaps Akhenaten was not of this earth.
"Su apetito no era de aquellos remilgados..." "...que no saborean una exquisitez..."
His appetite was not of that squeamish kind which cannot feed on a dainty
Tuve la sensación de que eso era algo que no era de este mundo.
You had a feeling that it was something that was not of this world.
"Su locura no era de la cabeza pero el corazón..."
"His madness was not of the head but heart..."
La cara de esta señorita no era de alegría.
to face this señorita was not of joy.
Lady Catherine no era de esa opinión.
Lady Catherine was not of that opinion.
Porque lo que descubriste en ese submarino no era de este mundo.
Because what you discovered on that submarine was not of this earth.
Yo no dije eso, dije que no era de esa clase.
I did not say that, I said was not of that class.
Que el poder supremo no era de este mundo.
That the ultimate power was not of this world.
Brandon Noah, pero la sangre no era de él.
Brandon Noah, but the blood on it was not his.
- No era de 20.
- It was not.
No era de verdad.
It was not real.
Me dijo que no era de utilidad en el campamento.
I said it was not useful at camp .
No era de un coche.
It was not a car.
Era extraterrestre, no era de allí.
It was not from there.
No era de mi agrado.
It was not to my liking.
No era de mi incumbencia.
It was not my place.
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