Translation for "no asqueroso" to english
No asqueroso
  • not disgusting
Translation examples
not disgusting
Añadió que las celdas eran asquerosas y que el piso estaba cubierto de dos centímetros de orina.
He added that the cell was disgusting and about two centimetres of urine covered the floor.
—Cabrón asqueroso... más que asqueroso...
You disgusting bastard...fucking disgusting...
—¡Era un asqueroso! —¿Qué tenía de asqueroso?
‘He was fucking disgusting.’ ‘What was it that was so disgusting about him?’
—¡Qué asquerosa eres!
“You are disgusting,”
—¿Por qué es asqueroso?
Why is it disgusting?
—Eso... es un poco asqueroso.
“That… is somewhat disgusting.”
¡Pues sí, es asqueroso, pero también nuestra vida es asquerosa!
So yes, it’s disgusting, but so is our life—our life is disgusting!
¡Es una asquerosa!
“She’s a disgusting freak!
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