Translation for "muerte de esposa" to english
Muerte de esposa
Translation examples
wife's death
En la noticia de la página siete, Sombra leyó por primera vez el relato de cómo había muerto su esposa.
The news item on page seven was the first account of his wife’s death that Shadow had read.
En caso de muerte del esposo, la esposa conserva automáticamente la tutela de los hijos salvo que no se encuentre en condiciones de hacerlo y ello da lugar al otorgamiento de la tutela.
In the event of the husband's death, the wife automatically keeps the children, unless she is unable to do so, in which case, a guardian must be appointed.
Rostros de personas recordadas y olvidadas, mirando, pensando, llorando, riendo, muriendo… muerte. Su esposa.
Faces of people remembered and unremembered, staring, thinking, weeping, laughing, dying … death. His wife.
Se dice que mientras Sócrates aguardaba la muerte, su esposa se lamentaba diciendo que era la injusticia del hecho lo que no podía soportar.
It is said that while Sokrates was awaiting death, his wife lamented that it was the injustice of it she could not bear.
Sin embargo, tras su muerte, la esposa de Weintraub, a la que éste trataba de la peor manera, accedió a revelar muchas de sus actividades.
But after his death, his wife, whom he had treated very brutally, gave way and told a great deal about his activities.
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