Translation for "muchos deberes" to english
Muchos deberes
Translation examples
Sí y, como tal, tengo muchos deberes y responsabilidades.
You're a congressman. Yes, and as such I have a great many duties... and responsibilities and...
- Debe tener muchos deberes.
- A new tribune must have many duties.
Después del matrimonio una esposa tiene que realizar muchos deberes.
After marriage a wife has to perlorm many duties.
Uno de mis muchos deberes es ver a gente dejar este mundo.
One of my many duties is to see people out of this world.
Tengo muchos deberes aquí en la Torre la más importantes de todas es como genealogista real.
I have many duties here in the Tower, the most important of which is as royal genealogist.
Y el Amor entrañaba muchos Deberes.
And Love brought many Duties with it.
— Majestad, el filósofo tiene muchos deberes, muchas responsabilidades.
Majesty, the philosopher has many duties, many responsibilities.
—He de cumplir muchos deberes para con mi madre —le dijo—.
"I owe my mother many duties," he said.
Uno de los muchos deberes del USDA es controlar los conflictos entre animales y personas.
One of the USDA’s many duties was to police conflicts between people and animals.
[…] Combatir esas tristes monotonías es uno de los muchos deberes del escritor.
more loathsome still is the fact that they breed idiocy … Fighting these sad monotonies is one of the many duties of a writer.
Tienes muchos deberes que atender, y, desde luego, tienes tus estudios en la Biblioteca Edificante.
“You have many duties to attend to, and of course, you have your studies back at the Edificant Library.”
Los deberes de Hillela no eran muchos —si se entiende como deber lo que no se hace motu proprio— en aquel destino, donde el embajador sustituía temporalmente a un colega que había sido llamado por el Gobierno.
She did not have many duties—duty being what does not come naturally—in that posting, where the Ambassador was temporarily relieving a colleague recalled.
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