Translation examples
El 1º de enero de 1998, agentes de las brigadas móviles detuvieron a Elizio Pinto Guterres Soares, estudiante universitario de Timor Oriental residente en Semerang, tras una disputa entre los estudiantes y la policía, la cual les ordenó interrumpir una fiesta de Año Nuevo porque molestaba a los musulmanes en su mes de ayuno.
On 1 January 1998, members of the mobile brigade (BRIMOB) arrested Elizio Pinto Guterres Soares, an East Timorese university student living in Semerang, following an argument between students and police who reportedly ordered them to stop the New Year's eve party they were holding, claiming it was disturbing the Muslims in their fasting month.
Cuando C. M. preguntó quién les molestaba, alguien contestó que era la policía.
When C. M. inquired who was disturbing them, someone answered that it was the police.
En 1995, el Tribunal de Derechos Humanos declaró ilícita una política de un restaurante que excluía a todos los niños menores de cuatro años a pretexto de que la presencia de niños pequeños molestaba a determinados clientes (Commission des droits de la personne du Québec c. Bizouarn, J.E. 96-144 (T.D.P.Q)).
In 1995, the Human Rights Tribunal declared illegal a restaurant policy excluding all children under the age of 4 on the pretext that the presence of young children was disturbing to
- Pensaba que la música os molestaba.
- I thought that perhaps the music was disturbing you.
Y yo nunca lo molestaba, pero eran...
And I never used to disturb him at all, but it was about...
Preguntó si me molestaba.
She asked if she was disturbing me.
-¿Molestaba a los demás?
- Was she disturbing the others?
No me molestaba en absoluto.
He wasn't disturbing me at all.
Había algo que me molestaba constantemente por allí.
There's was something which was constantly disturbing over there.
Algo te molestaba. ¿Qué viste?
Something was disturbing you. What did you see?
Lo del sombrero verdaderamente molestaba a Brad.
The jester's cap was something that truly disturbed Brad.
Quizás Katrin les molestaba.
Maybe Katrin disturbed them.
¿Era esto lo que le molestaba?
Was it that which disturbed him?
no, no le molestaba.
no, he was not disturbing him.
Y eso molestaba a Michella.
And that disturbed Michella.
Y había algo más que le molestaba.
There was something else that disturbed her.
La idea le molestaba.
The thought disturbed him.
Hazel no lo molestaba.
Hazel would not disturb him.
Al principio me molestaba.
It used to disturb me at first.
Les molestaba su presencia, simplemente.
It simply disturbed them that he was there.
Pero esto era algo que a mí no me molestaba de manera particular.
I was not particularly disturbed about this.
La oscuridad por sí sola no le molestaba.
Dark, in itself, did not disturb him.
El Presidente (habla en inglés): Antes de levantar la sesión, sólo quisiera hacer una observación, que tiene que ver con algo que me molestaba incluso antes de asumir el cargo de Presidente de la Asamblea General.
The President: Before I bring the meeting to a close, I just want to make one point, which concerns something that bothered me even before I took over as President of the General Assembly.
Algo me molestaba.
Something bothered me.
Nada me molestaba.
Nothing bothered me.
¿Qué le molestaba?
Who was bothering you?
Todo le molestaba.
¿Nada la molestaba?
Nothing bothering her?
- Me molestaba antes.
- Bothered me before.
Eso no me molestaba.
This did not bother me.
Había algo que le molestaba.
There was something bothering him.
—¿Esto te molestaba?
Then: "Does this bother you?"
Había algo que me molestaba;
Something was bothering me;
Pero eso a él no le molestaba;
But this didn’t bother him;
Pero algo le molestaba.
But something was bothering him.
Pero nada de esto me molestaba.
But none of this bothered me.
– ¿A ella le molestaba?
“Did it bother her?”
Ya nada les molestaba.
Nothing bothered them.
eso no le molestaba.
this didn’t bother him.
- Eso me molestaba.
- It annoyed me
Coser la molestaba.
Sewing annoyed her.
¿Pero eso te molestaba?
But it annoyed you?
Dijiste que te molestaba.
you said i annoyed you.
Me molestaba continuamente.
She annoyed me.
Me molestaba demasiado.
He was annoying me too much.
Yeso le molestaba.
That annoyed him.
También te molestaba.
You were also annoyed by it.
Eso era lo que le molestaba.
That was what annoyed him.
A Hock eso no le molestaba;
Hock was not annoyed;
Julia me molestaba.
Julia was annoying me.
La música le molestaba.
The music annoyed him.
¿Y si él se molestaba?
What if he was annoyed?
¡John no me molestaba!
He did not annoy me!
Y eso también molestaba a Phillip.
And Phillip was annoyed about that too.
Le molestaba el tono.
The whole tone of it annoyed her.
Era el engaño lo que le molestaba realmente.
It was the deception that annoyed him.
Aquel «madame» la molestaba;
That 'Madame' annoyed her.
Hasta ayer molestabas a las chicas en las carreteras
Till yesterday, you were troubling girls on the roads
Si te molestaba, ¿por qué no lo paraste?
If it troubles you, why didn't you stop it?
- ¿No la molestaba nada?
- Nothing troubling her? No.
A 'Pre', vean ustedes, le molestaba saber... que un mediocre esfuerzo pueda ganar una carrera... y un magnífico esfuerzo pueda perderla.
Pre, you see, was troubled by knowing a mediocre effort can win a race. And a magnificent effort can lose one.
¿Quièn dijo que tu nos molestabas?
Who says you trouble us?
¿Alguien la molestaba?
Um, was anybody giving her any trouble?
Eso no es lo que me molestaba.
That isn't really what troubled me.
¿Tanto le molestaba pagar la cerveza?
Too much trouble to pay for your beer?
- Mi pierna me molestaba.
- My leg was troubling me.
El que te engañaba, te molestaba y te tenía encerrada...
The one who misled you troubled you the one who held you captive.. He is dead.
Nadie la molestaba.
No trouble from people.
Su conciencia le molestaba.
His conscience was troubling him.
El barón no molestaba a los chinos.
And the Baron was no trouble to the Chinese.
Les molestaba que hubiera un cementerio cerca.
It troubled them that there was a cemetery in the vicinity.
Hermia no se molestaba en negarlo.
Hermia had not troubled to contradict that idea.
–Le dije que no me molestaba.
“I told him it didn’t give me any trouble.
La fisura en las gafas ya no le molestaba.
The crack in his goggles no longer troubled him.
Cuando pensaba en ello, le molestaba.
That troubled him when he thought about it.
No se molestaba en bajar la voz.
He did not trouble to drop his voice.
Norman se preguntó por qué eso molestaba a Barnes.
Norman wondered why that troubled Barnes.
- ¿David lo molestaba?
- Did David ever tease yοu?
Emily me molestaba y decía...
Emily would tease me, saying...
Yo la molestaba, la llamaba "Doña Buenas".
I used to tease her. I used to call her Chipper.
En la universidad, un chico molestaba a Asha.
Back in college, some boy teased Asha.
Me molestaba porque mate al conejo.
! He was teasing me about how I killed the rabbit.
- Nada, solo la molestaba.
- Nothing, I was just teasing her.
Solo te molestaba.
I was just teasing you.
¿No lo molestaba su compañera?
Didn't your partner tease you?
Bueno, no te enojes, porque yo sólo te molestaba.
Well, don't get mad, because I only was teasing.
¿Por qué Darcy te molestaba con fuego?
Why is Darcy teasing you with fire?
La oscuridad en que estaba sumido no le molestaba. La rata se había ido.
The darkness cloaked him and did not tease. The rat was gone.
En el primero, un píllete molestaba con una vara a un perro dormido;
In the first, a little rascal teases a sleeping dog with a stick;
Nunca había confiado en mí mismo lo bastante como para acercarme tanto a ella cuando dormía, y lo desconocido me molestaba.
I’d never trusted myself that close to her while she’d slept, and the unknown teased me.
Esto le molestaba en extremo y su evidente confusión alentó a sus compañeros a mortificarlo todavía más.
This he took very ill, and his obvious discomfiture encouraged his messmates to tease him further.
Decía lo mismo cuando se metían conmigo en el colegio, o cuando me molestaba casi por cualquier cosa.
She said the same thing when I was teased at school, or upset about most anything.
Esa chica guardia negra que molestaba a otros soldados con su destreza era la chica que podría haber sido.
That girl Blackguard who teased other soldiers with her prowess was the girl she could have been.
Una chica no le molestaba metiéndole la mano en el bolsillo (para buscar su pitillera o su mechero), por ejemplo.
A girl did not tease the man by slipping her hand into his pocket (for his cigarette case, or lighter), for instance.
¡Porque él lo molestaba!
He was hassling Aryan.
Eran enormes, por eso nadie los molestaba.
They were big, so not a lot of people went around hassling them.
¿Por qué me molestaba '?
Why are you hassling me'?
¿Sobre el tipo que molestaba a la señora amable?
About the guy who was hassling the nice lady?
La gente me molestaba.
People hassling me.
Son estas personas molestaba ?
Are these people hassling you?
Yo siempre molestaba a Archie. ¿Y qué?
I always hassled Archie, so what?
Él siempre me molestaba.
He was always hassling me.
Bueno, cuanto más gorda menos me molestaba Ted.
Well, the bigger I got the less Ted hassled me.
Sin embargo, Loophole se molestaba en ponerlo en marcha todas las semanas, simplemente para crear algo especial, algo que destacase.
Loophole went through the hassle every week though, to make something special—something that would stand out.
¡Le dije lo que haría si usted la molestaba!
I told you what I'd do if you molested her!
Mi teoría es que cuando era niña, tú la molestabas sexualmente.
My theory is when she was a little girl, you were molesting her.
Abrahamsson te molestaba.
Then there's Lars-Ove Abrahamsson. He molested you.
Según los informes de Contra-Inteligencia "Mike 3 partes" asesinó a la hermana lesbiana de Patty Mullin porque molestaba a una chica de 15 años.
According to the CI reports, 3- part Mike killed Patty Mullin's bull dyke sister 'Cause she molested a 15-year-old girl.
¿Te molestaba un sustituto raro?
You were molested by a weird sub?
Puso a todo chancho al HiFi, y cantaba fuera de sí, además molestaba a los vecinos machos.
The Hi-Fi was on full blast, she was singing out loud and she's molesting all the male neighbors.
Si este tipo molestaba a su hija el debería quemarse en el infierno.
If this guy molested his daughter, he should burn in hell.
Un tío podría ponerse un guante con cuchillos y... vale, quizás no aterrorizara gente en sueños, pero... pero molestaba a chicos.
- Some guy could put a glove on with knives and-- okay, maybe not terrorize people in dreams, but- but he molested kids.
naturalmente, lo que había que inferir era que sólo «molestaba» a aquellas a quienes les gustaba que las molestaran.
the implication was, of course, that he only “molested” those who liked to be molested.
constituían la última tribu que molestaba en Galia.
they were the last of the tribes to molest Gaul.
Podía aparcar en doble fila, la policía no lo molestaba.
Double-parked, he was not molested by cops.
(Para ser sincero, Sharon Spencer me molestaba a mí de igual modo y a mí me importaba igual de poco).
(To be honest I was being similarly molested by Sharon Spencer, and it mattered as little.)
El Rey Dios no los molestaba mientras ellos retiraban la armadura y el escudo, y enterraban al héroe caído.
The God King would not molest them as they stripped off the armor and shield, then buried the fallen hero.
Las reglas eran claras: quien molestaba a una mujer ajena terminaba abandonado en un islote desértico con una garrafa de agua y una pistola cargada;
The rules were clear: anyone who molested another man’s woman ended up marooned on a waterless island with one flagon of water and a loaded pistol;
Puede que lo hiciera para disfrutar de la compañía de Sisigambis -sólo a la muerte de Alejandro se advirtió la profundidad de su vínculo- o para cerciorarse de que nadie las molestaba.
It may have been to enjoy the company of Sisygambis—only at his death did the depth of their bond appear—it may have been to be sure they were not molested.
Entraba en la sala, molestaba al personal, hacía acusaciones.
Coming onto the ward, pestering the staff, making accusations.
Bien, él siempre molestaba a Arabella, cruzando por el anexo y esas cosas.
Well, he was always pestering Arabella, hanging round the Annexe and so on.
Ayer también me molestabas.
They pestered me yesterday, too.
Porque molestaba a Katherine.
Because he pestered Katherine.
El hermanito de Tim siempre lo molestaba.
Timslittlebrotherwas always pestering Tim
Ella me molestaba mucho.
She pestered me a lot.
- ¿Cómo molestaba ella a Andreas?
- How did she pester Andreas?
Molestaba mucho a su padre tenerlo escribiendo sobre todo.
It pestered his Pappy a heap to have him writing all over everything.
Pero al capataz no le gustó nada eso de que no me pudiera pegar más con el látigo, y me molestaba sin misericordia, porque había sido una puta en Cheapside y no tenía que dármelas de señorita honrada con él en Virginia.
But the overseer did not like it, that I should get the taste of his whip no more, and pestered me unmercifully that, since I had been a whore in Cheapside, I should not play the honest maid with him in Virginia.
Desde el asiento del conductor, Frances observaba una enorme rata de larga cola que molestaba a una serpiente que lo único que quería era cruzar la zona de grava desde la línea de tipis hasta la maleza donde comenzaba el desierto.
From the driver’s seat Frances watched a large, long-tailed rat as it pestered and deviled a snake while the snake tried to make its way across the gravel from the line of teepees to the scrub ground where the desert began.
—Pues verás, Franz, había informes continuos, creados por alguien, sobre una dama con velo que visitaba o molestaba a De Castries, una dama con vestidos amplios y turbante y pamela amplia, muy rápida en sus movimientos.
For you see, Franz, there were these continuing reports, flouted by some, of de Castries being visited or pestered by a veiled lady who wore flowing dresses and either a turban or a wide and floppy-brimmed hat, yet was very swift in her movements.
Le visitaba con frecuencia, lo cual molestaba enormemente a sus compañeros de cuarto.
She visited him frequently, to the great inconvenience of his roommates.
pero Terry y yo nos sorprendimos de ver lo poco que nos molestaba el frío.
but Terry and I were surprised that we felt so little inconvenience from it.
Poca cosa, pero me molestaba que saliese de todo aquello sin sufrir ninguna molestia en particular.
Petty, but I hated to see him getting away with no inconvenience whatsoever.
—Desde entonces padezco una leve cojera —comenté; que era cierto, aunque casi no se notaba y apenas me molestaba.
“And I still limp from it,” I said, which was true, though the limp was small and hardly inconvenient.
Y el hombre parecía indicar que, si su acento molestaba a su interlocutor, estaba dispuesto a aproximarlo a uno u otro extremo. Con ánimo de trabar conversación, dijo: –Creo que todo se debe al tiempo que hace hoy.
And he would move it, he seemed to say, a little in either direction, if it chanced to inconvenience the listener. 'It's the season,' the small man said, determined to make conversation.
Un ruido la molestaba.
A noise was intruding.
Por un rato esto era un alivio, y Hillary pareció entender mi estado de ánimo, porque no me molestaba.
For a little while this was surcease, and Hillary seemed to understand my need, not intruding upon me.
—Damas, les ruego que me perdonen —dijo Jorge, levantándose sin prisas—. No quería molestar. Media docena de voces le aseguraron que no molestaba.
George rose unhurriedly. “I beg your pardon, ladies. I did not mean to intrude.” Half a dozen voices assured him that he did not intrude.
Cerré los ojos, pero la luz aún me molestaba, por lo que me puse una almohada encima del rostro.
I closed my eyes, but the light still intruded, so I added a pillow over the top half of my face.
De un hombre a quien molestaba la injerencia de un extraño, se había convertido en el exsheriff de Tejas, que había cosechado innumerables enemigos.
From a man whose privacy had been intruded upon, he became the exsheriff Texan who had made innumerable enemies.
A pesar de que generalmente se iba al mismo tiempo que ella, si ella no deseaba su compañía en el camino de regreso a casa, él no la molestaba.
Although he left, as a rule, when she did, if she wanted to walk home alone, he did not intrude.
Quizá la reacción de Oscar fuera similar: este ruidoso intruso le molestaba y había recurrido a la acción directa para restaurar la paz y el silencio.
Maybe Oscar had also been offended by this noisy intruder into his domain, and had taken similar direct action to restore peace and quiet.
(Antes no podía quitarme de la cabeza la idea de que molestaba, de que llegaba siempre en el momento menos oportuno a aguarles la fiesta, que es lo que luego ocurrió muchas veces.) Sin embargo, así que me vieron, atravesó el jardín un resplandor que, después de un cuarto de siglo, y más que nunca, sigue soplando por aquel paraje, que luego se quedó desierto.
(I had many times felt myself to be unwanted, an intruder, a spoilsport, and often enough I really was.) But when they noticed me, the grassplot was suffused with a radiance which now, a quarter of a century later, brightens this deserted place for me.
Eso realmente me molestaba.
That really irritated me
Era mucho más tranquilo, mientras que yo molestaba a mucha gente.
He was much more mild, whereas I just seemed to irritate a lot of people.
Tú has dicho que te molestaba.
You said you irritated me.
A todo el mundo le molestaba.
To begin with, everyone was irritated by it.
Has dicho que te molestaba.
You said I irritated you.
Hasta ahora sólo tuvieron un incidente y el tipo molestaba a los tiburones.
They've only had one incident and that guy was irritating the sharks.
Recuerda lo de anoche en el restaurante. ¿Crees que no observé que te molestaba, que te sentías incómodo?
In the restaurant last night, I irritated you, I could tell.
Pero era difícil y le molestaba.
But it was difficult, and this irritated him.
Nos molestaba la devoción que él le demostraba.
The devotion he showed her irritated us.
Le molestaba profundamente no poder hacerlo.
It irritated him not to be able to do so.
Dio la sensación de que a Paul le molestaba un poco la pregunta.
Paul seemed slightly irritated by this.
Todo lo demás me molestaba, y nada más: los trámites, la gente.
The rest irritated me and that was all, the procedures, the people.
La sala le molestaba, sin que supiera por qué.
The dining room irritated him without his knowing why.
Le molestaba bastante que estuvieran allí sentados y con el sombrero puesto.
It faintly irritated him that they should sit there with their hats on.
Le molestaba ligeramente lo poco predecible que era su día a día.
She felt mildly irritated by the unpredictability of his daily life.
A Pritchard lo molestaba que Anna no se hubiese puesto en contacto con él personalmente.
It irritated Pritchard that Anna had not contacted him herself.
La amabilidad de Stanley le molestaba, pues percibía su falsedad;
Stanley’s sympathy irritated him, for he sensed it to be false;
- ¿Algo le molestaba?
-Did he seem worried or concerned?
A los demás parecía que no les molestaba.
Well, it didn't seem to worry most of the boys.
Eso es lo que me molestaba.
That's what worried me about it.
Me molestaba muchísimo.
It worried me sick.
Kelver ésto no le molestaba.
Kelver was not worried.
La gente… no me molestaba.
The peoples-they didn't worry me.
La perspectiva le era tan familiar que no le molestaba en absoluto.
That prospect was so familiar that he didn't worry about it at all.
Pero en ese momento estaba solo en su bungalow y no tenía que preocuparse de si molestaba o no.
But he was alone in his bungalow now, so he didn’t need to worry about affecting anyone else.
No molestaban a nadie, y como todos tenían excelente constitución física y un par de ellos fama de ser millonarios, tampoco les molestaba nadie.
They worried no one, and since they all had excellent physiques, and one or two were reputed to be millionaires, no one worried them.
Esto no le molestaba; ya habría tiempo de verlas más tarde, se sentía feliz de avanzar en silencio;
Not that this worried him, as there would be plenty of time later on, and he was more than content to jog along in silence;
Era un bebé tranquilo y rara vez lloraba o molestaba.
He was a good-natured baby and seldom cried or fussed.
Al parecer le molestaba que Gloria le hiciera el salto, y buscaba con quien desahogarse.
Upset about Gloria going out on him, it sounded like, and looking for something to fuss at.
Los que venían a dar el pésame no se preocupaban de guardar las formas y se quedaban más de los quince minutos de rigor. A la anciana no le molestaba, le gustaba hablar de Vince.
The mourners who came home with her were not too fussed about proprieties and stayed longer than the generally approved fifteen minutes though the old woman didn’t mind: she liked talking about Vince.
Otra gente podría no entender por qué tío Vernon armaba tanto escándalo porque alguien hubiera puesto demasiados sellos en un sobre, pero Harry había vivido demasiado tiempo con ellos para no comprender hasta qué punto les molestaba cualquier cosa que se saliera de lo ordinario.
Other people might not understand why Uncle Vernon was making a fuss about too many stamps, but Harry had lived with the Dursleys too long not to know how touchy they were about anything even slightly out of the ordinary.
La pareja la abrumaba preguntándole si estaba bien, si llevaba toda la medicación, si no estaba demasiado cansada o mareada o si se sentía mal o si necesitaba agua, hasta que ella sacudía las manos y ponía los ojos en blanco, fingiendo que la molestaba.
The couple fussed over her, checking that she was okay, that she had all her medication, that she wasn’t too tired or dizzy or feeling unwell or in need of water, until she flapped her hands and rolled her eyes in mock irritation. But she was going through the motions.
Aunque nunca se molestaba si perdía, íntimamente se consideraba buen jugador y se consolaba diciéndose que si había perdido era por pura distracción, por su gentileza hacia los demás o por el deseo de animar el juego con salidas audaces, y consideraba que con un poco de aplicación era posible, sin conocimientos teóricos, refutar cualquiera de los gambitos de un manual.
Although he made no fuss about losing, he secretly considered himself to be not at all a bad player, and told himself that if ever he lost it was through absentmindedness, good nature or a desire to enliven the game with daring sallies, and he considered that with a little application it was possible, without theoretic knowledge, to refute any gambit out of the textbook.
Pugnaban por subir a sus labios y le molestaba.
They rolled up to his lips and fretted them.
Aunque ella pasábase la vida haciendo esperar a todo el mundo, le molestaba enormemente la falta de puntualidad en los demás.
Since she spent her life in keeping other people waiting, it naturally fretted her to discover unpunctuality in others.
El señor Thibault, inmóvil, resollaba y se quejaba un poco, más que nada por costumbre, porque todavía no sufría: incluso, estirado de aquella forma, notaba cierta mejoría. Sin embargo, temía la reaparición de los dolores y hubiera deseado dormirse. La presencia de su secretario le molestaba.
Thibault lay quiet in bed, though now and then he gave a little gasp, or groaned—from sheer force of habit, for the pain had not come back yet. In fact just now he was feeling comfortable, at ease. But, always fearing that the twinges might return, he wanted to doze off, and his secretary’s presence fretted him.
No me di cuenta que te molestaba.
I didn't realize I was badgering you.
¿Y tú que tanto lo molestabas, Daisy Crockett?
Did you bait many badgers, Daisy Crockett?
Rich Cromwell, el jefe americano de la CIA, molestaba de vez en cuando a Gideon para que le pasara información, sin éxito.
Rich Cromwell, the American CIA station chief, badgered Gideon for information from time to time, without success.
Era un sonido… productivo, y no le molestaba.
It was a… productive sound, not distracting at all.
Le molestaba el poder que aquella chica tenía sobre él, el poder de trastornarlo.
He resented it, this power the girl had over him, to distract him.
Las heridas externas habían sanado, ningún dolor físico la molestaba, pero ella lo seguía viviendo. Sonó el teléfono; Ed lo atendió.
Evidence--her outside wounds had healed, there was no physical pain to distract her. She kept feeling it happen.   The phone rang; Ed grabbed it.
David tenía una sensación, cada vez más intensa, de que a ellas les molestaba su presencia, ya fuese por la atención que les robaba, por la formalidad que imponía o porque ya habrían oído antes todo lo que el viejo le estaba contando;
whether it was because of the attention he distracted, the formality he introduced, or that they must have heard all the old man was telling him before, he wasn't sure.
Esperó sonriente la respuesta. El golpeteo del bastoncillo sobre la mesa, suave y rítmico, molestaba a Craig, le impedía pensar con claridad.
He waited, smiling, and the swagger-stick went tap tap tap on the table-top, like a dripping faucet. It distracted Craig. He found himself unable to think clearly.
Paul había esperado que Finnerty le pudiera dar algo —qué, no lo sabía— para aliviar esa necesidad dolorosa e inefable que le molestaba, como al parecer Shepherd le había dicho a Kroner, casi hasta el punto de impedirle la concentración.
Paul had expected that Finnerty would be able to give him something—what, he didn’t know—to assuage the nameless, aching need that had been nagging him almost, as Shepherd had apparently told Kroner, to the point of distraction.
No le molestaba nada.
Nothing much fazed him.
Aparentemente, el frío del contenedor no le molestaba.
Apparently, the chill in the container didn’t faze him.
Su 1ógíca era irrebatible, y esto les molestaba sobremanera.
His logic was unassailable, and this nettled them greatly.
El olor de la comida me estaba poniendo enfermo, pero era el recuerdo de comer lo que realmente me molestaba.
The smell of food did make me feel a little sick, but it was the memory of eating that really nettled me.
Perjudicial, sí, pensaba Valentine, pero sabía que la molestaba todo lo que pudiera satisfacer a Roger y estaba furiosa consigo misma por ser tan mezquina.
Bad for the play—yes, Valentine thought that. But she knew that she was nettled by anything which gave Roger satisfaction, and she was angry with herself for being so petty.
Al oír a Maitland que se movía detrás de la taquilla, Proctor se volvió con aire de desconfianza. Antes de que Maitland pudiera llegar a la escalera, el hombre ya había desaparecido, escurriéndose entre las hierbas altas como un animal asustado. Detrás de él, entre las ortigas, Maitland advirtió un débil movimiento, y esperó, convencido de que Proctor estaba observándolo y de que lo atraparía para arrojarlo escalones abajo. Maitland escuchó el ruido del tránsito mientras pensaba en esa vena de violencia que Proctor no se molestaba en ocultar, una arraigada hostilidad hacia el mundo de los inteligentes, del que con tanto gusto se vengaría. Maitland descendió por la escalera y desde abajo alzó los ojos hacia el cielo y la hierba ondulante.
Hearing Maitland move behind the pay-box, Proctor turned suspiciously. Before Maitland could reach the staircase he had disappeared from sight, vanishing like a startled animal into the deep grass. There was a faint movement in the nettle bank behind Maitland. He waited, certain that Proctor was watching him and that if he stepped out the tramp would seize him and hurl him back down the steps. Maitland listened to the traffic, thinking of the tramp's unconcealed strain of violence, a long-borne hostility to the intelligent world on which he would happily revenge himself.
En el momento no sentí ningún dolor y solo me molestaba la sangre que se me metía en los ojos.
At the time I felt nothing and was discommoded only by the blood sheeting into my eyes.
Deidamía nunca se molestaba.
Deidamia was never put out.
Se sorprendió al ver que no se molestaba.
To her surprise, Miller didn’t seem put out.
Quería que supiera lo mucho que le molestaba.
He made sure she knew how awfully put out he was.
En realidad, le molestaba que alguien la viese, incluso Hugh, con la bandeja del desayuno en su falda y con la cama desarreglada.
To be truthful, she was a little put out at being caught, even by Hugh, with her breakfast tray on her lap and her bed not yet straightened.
No puede mantenerlo y hay que revisar las escrituras y los contratos de arrendamiento y redactar nuevos acuerdos. Espero que Edith le reciba como es debido, aunque me di cuenta de que le molestaba que me hubiera tomado la libertad de invitarle.
He is unable to keep it on; and there are deeds and leases to be looked over, and agreements to be drawn up. I hope Edith will receive him properly; but she was rather put out, as I could see, by the liberty I had taken in begging for an invitation for him.
Todos éramos varones, pues ella quería soldados, lo cual dificultaba aún más que no estallaran peleas entre nosotros. Tuve mis primeros rifirrafes con mis nuevos camaradas de armas, pero yo era más rápido y mejor luchador, por lo que ella estaba muy complacida conmigo a pesar de lo mucho que le molestaba tener que reemplazar a mis víctimas.
We were all male - Maria wanted soldiers - and that made it slightly more difficult to keep from fighting amongst ourselves. I fought my first battles against my new comrades in arms. I was quicker than the others, better at combat. Maria was pleased with me, though put out that she had to keep replacing the ones I destroyed.
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