Translation for "molécula de enzima" to english
Molécula de enzima
Translation examples
Ustedes dicen que un virus sólo es una molécula de enzima.
That’s just an enzyme molecule, you’ve said.
Nos adheriremos a la molécula de enzima apropiada, que descubrirá que nuestra reacción no es la prevista.
"We'll be attached to an appropriate enzyme molecule which will find that we don't react as expected.
–Por favor, observe que ninguna molécula de enzima se nos ha adherido –les hizo notar Kaliinin. –¿Y eso por qué?
"Please notice," said Kaliinin, "that no enzyme molecule has attached itself to us." "Why is that?"
Los fragmentos que tenía alrededor estaban envueltos por moléculas de enzima mucho mayores, que parecían abrazarlos y luego los soltaban.
Fragments around him were enveloped by much larger enzyme molecules that seemed to embrace them and then relax.
Lo mejor que podemos esperar es que una molécula de enzima o nos retenga para siempre en su seno o nos conserve para siempre como en una carrera de relevos, al ir pasando de enzima en enzima indefinidamente...
The best we can expect is that an enzyme molecule either holds us forever all by himself or holds us forever in a relay race as we pass from one enzyme to another indefinitely.
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