Translation for "modo indirecto" to english
Translation examples
Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que esto sucede de un modo indirecto, que caracteriza el enfoque de los derechos humanos en general.
However, it is important to bear in mind that this happens in the indirect mode that characterizes the human rights approach in general.
—Solo de un modo indirecto, milord.
Only indirectly, my lord.
Maté a alguien. De un modo indirecto, pero lo maté.
I killed someone. Indirectly, but still.
Sin embargo, hay varias maneras de inferir su presencia de modo indirecto.
However, there are several ways to infer their presence indirectly.
pero de un modo indirecto e inocente era la responsable de la muerte de Julia.
She had failed, but indirectly and innocently she was responsible for the death of Julia.
—Y yo pago su salario. De un modo indirecto y contra mi voluntad, pero no obstante lo pago.
 “And I’m paying your salary, indirectly and unwillingly, but paying it nevertheless.”
Le observaba de modo indirecto, intentando disimular sus ojeadas por medio de la agitación de los preparativos.
She looked indirectly, trying to conceal her glances in flurries of preparation.
Y, sobre todo, no podía informar directamente a la policía, ni siquiera en modo indirecto.
That was all he could do, though: he certainly couldn’t inform the police himself, not even indirectly.
Fue allí, aunque de un modo indirecto, cuando me encontré por primera vez con Pontius Glaw.
Indirectly, that’s where we’d first stumbled across Pontius Glaw too.
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