Translation for "miró a través del cristal" to english
Miró a través del cristal
  • looked through the glass
  • he looked through the glass
Translation examples
looked through the glass
Arrodillándose en la litera miró a través del cristal.
He knelt on his bunk and looked through the glass.
Éste se dirigió hacia la ventana y miró a través del cristal, salpicado por la espuma de las olas.
Julian went to the window and looked through the glass, which was misted with spray.
Estaba cerrada con llave. Miró a través del cristal y vio un pequeño vestíbulo vacío y a oscuras.
It was locked. He looked through the glass panel into a small dim empty lobby.
Billy miró afuera, a la ciudad que no era como había sido la última vez que miró a través el cristal.
Billy looked out at the city that was not as it had been the last time he had looked through the glass.
Ella tampoco miró a través del cristal, probablemente porque suponía que el acuario seguía vacío.
She didn’t even look through the glass, probably because she assumed the tank was still empty.
La nieve había cubierto las huellas de los neumáticos de su coche, pero Gerald se puso de puntillas y miró a través del cristal que había en la parte superior de la puerta.
Snow had obliterated the tracks of his car wheels, but Gerald stood on tiptoe and looked through the glass in the top of the door.
El pistolero se acercó a las puertas del balcón y miró a través del cristal, frunciendo el entrecejo al ver la piedra ennegrecida de la balaustrada. —No hay nadie.
The gunman took a step to the balcony doors and looked through the glass, frowning at the soot-blackened stone he could see out there. ‘No one.
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