Translation for "miopemente" to english
Translation examples
Gaskell Pringsheim se sonrió miopemente en el espejo del techo.
Gaskell Pringsheim smiled myopically at himself in the mirror above.
Yo me escapé miopemente de ella y, más o menos, caí sobre otra mujer, una extranjera amiga de ojos grises y gafas de abuelita llamada Mala, que, impertérrita, me ofreció llevarme a casa, «ya que su capacidad óptica se ha visto reducida».
I blundered myopically away from her and more or less fell over another woman, a grey-eyed fellow-alien in granny glasses named Mala, who with a straight face offered to drive me home, ‘since your optical capability is presently reduced’.
La manga arremangada para dejar la mano derecha y la muñeca libres revelaba una camisa de franela de un color singular; llevaba el cuello desabotonado (no usaba corbata) para no ahogarse cuando se inclinaba miopemente sobre el papel; y escribía a toda velocidad, sumido, evidentemente, en pleno ardor creativo.
With coat-sleeve turned back, so as to give free play to his right hand and wrist, revealing meanwhile a flannel shirt of singular colour, and with his collar unbuttoned (he wore no tie) to leave his throat at ease as he bent myopically over the paper, he was writing at express speed, evidently in the full rush of the ardour of composition.
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