Translation for "minutos van" to english
Translation examples
Y los próximos minutos van a parecer la perdición si no me dices lo que necesito saber.
And the next few minutes are gonna feel like perdition itself if you don't tell me what I need to know.
45 minutos. ¿Van a quedarse esperando hasta que maten a otro?
45 minutes. Are they just gonna wait until they kill someone else?
—Los minutos van pasando, Keith.
The minutes are getting by us, Keith.
Durante cinco minutos, Van Helsing contempló a la desdichada criatura, más consternado, más grave que nunca.
For fully five minutes Van Helsing stood looking at her, with his face at its sternest.
Después de un minuto, Van se acercó y se sentó a su lado, con el brazo alrededor de los hombros de Felix.
After a minute, Van came over and sat beside him, with his arm around Felix’s shoulder.
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