Translation for "marear" to english
Translation examples
Padre nos ha castigado por jugar y marear a las gallinas.
"Father's punished us for playing and annoying the chickens." My mother's diary!
El casal de macho y hembra de jesusitos curados se me murió pasando el mar Rojo, yo creo que fue mejor porque mis primas se los hubieran comido fritos para darme rabia, bueno, para marear.
The pair of Little Jesus Cured, male and female, died on me crossing the Red Sea, I think it was all for the best for my cousins would have fried and eaten them to annoy me, just to get my goat.
Mi idea era la de que, si el dragón, no demasiado inteligente, era fastidiado insoportablemente por los dos extremos al mismo tiempo, su coordinación se iría al diablo y podríamos hostigarle hasta que resultara inofensivo o, mejor todavía, se mareara y huyera.
My notion was that, if the dragon, not too bright, was unbearably annoyed at both ends at once, his coordination should go all to hell and we could peck away at him until he was useless, or until he got sick of it and ran.
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