Translation for "marcarte" to english
Translation examples
Quiero marcarte de tal modo que quedemos unidos, Clary.
I want to Mark you in a way that will bind us together, Clary.
dijo que iba a marcarte, y que esa marca te enviaría con el Custodio.
he said he was going to mark you, kill you, that the mark would send you to the Keeper.
–Mis órdenes son no marcarte, Gorrioncillo, pero puedo producirte un dolor que no dejará cicatrices si no cuidas cómo le hablas a un hombre libre.
My orders was not to mark you, Chirp, but I can give you pain that doesn't leave a scar if ye don't mind how ye talk to a freeman.
Eso que hacen de restregarse contra las piernas y de retorcerse como hacen los gatos, pues lo hacen para marcarte con su olor porque eres una especie de comida, un lugar donde descansar que les pertenece.
“When they start rubbing up against your legs and winding themselves round you, they’re only doing that to mark you with their scent, because you’re a sort of restaurant and resting place that belongs to them.
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