Translation for "maría madre de jesús" to english
María madre de jesús
  • mary mother of
Translation examples
mary mother of
Dios, por la divina intercesión de María, Madre de Jesús, a la cual Molly había rezado fervientemente, la había bendecido con un matrimonio y una hija.
God, through the divine intercession of Mary, Mother of Jesus, to whom Molly had fervently prayed, had blessed her with marriage and child.
He tenido incontables abolladuras, aunque nunca un choque grave, por lo cual les doy las gracias a María, Madre de Jesús, y a San Cristóbal y a Dios Padre Todopoderoso, no sé si me entiende.
I been in fender-benders without number, although I never had a major crash, for which I thank Mary Mother of Jesus and Saint Christopher and God the Father Almighty, know what I mean?
María Magdalena pasaba las cuentas de un rosario desinfectado a medida que invocaba a María, madre de Jesús el profeta y exaltada en el Corán tanto como en su devocionario como modelo insuperable para toda mujer…
Maria Magdalena had a rosary in her hands—disinfected—which she used to organize her prayers to Mary, mother of Jesus the prophet, venerated as thoroughly in the Koran as in her own abbreviated scriptures, and as fine a model for women to follow as any woman who had ever lived .
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