Translation for "manos grandes" to english
Manos grandes
Translation examples
El general manos grandes.
General big hands.
Que tienes manos grandes.
You got big hands.
Manos grandes, qué lindo.
Big hands... nice.
Que manos grandes tiene.
Such big hands.
El tío tiene las manos grandes.
He’s got big hands, Devin.
Brazos largos, manos grandes.
Long arms, big hands;
Creo que tenía las manos grandes.
“I think he had big hands.”
Era un hombre pequeño de manos grandes.
He was a small man with big hands.
Sí que tengo las manos grandes, es cierto.
I do have big hands, it’s true.
Le gustaba ese tipo, sus rasgos huesudos y rudos, sus manos grandesManos grandes, minga grande.
She liked his type, his rough-cut bony features, big hands. Big hands, big schlong.
Tenía manos grandes y pecas en la espalda.
He had big hands, with freckles on the back.
Manos grandes sobre los delgados hombros de la chica.
Big hands on the girl’s narrow shoulders.
Manos grandes, notó; grandes pies.
Big hands, she noted; big feet.
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