Translation for "lutecio" to english
Translation examples
El primer grupo está formado por lutecio, tulio, holmio, terbio y europio (cuyas concentraciones son inferiores a los 10 g/t); el segundo se compone de erbio, iterbio, disprosio, gadolinio, praseodimio y samario (de 10 a 100 g/t); y el tercer grupo comprende itrio, neodimio, cerio y lantano (de 100 a 1.000 g/t).
The first group is constituted of lutetium, thulium, holmium, terbium and europium (concentration is less than 10 g/t); the second group consists of erbium, ytterbium, dysprosium, gadolinium, praseodymium and samarium (from 10 to 100 g/t); and the third group consists of yttrium, neodymium, cerium and lanthanum (from 100 to 1000 g/t).
Antimonio, arsénico, aluminio, selenio, hidrógeno, oxígeno y nitrógeno, uranio, níquel, neodimio, neptunio, germanio, hierro y americio, rutenio, uranio, europio, zirconio, lutecio, vanadio, lantano, osmio, actinio, radio, oro, protactinio
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium and hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium and nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium and iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium, europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium and lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium and gold and protactinium and indium and gallium and iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.
El lutecio es denso, Walter.
Lutetium is dense, Walter.
- Osmio y Lutecio.
- Osmium and lutetium.
—El lutecio es una tierra rara, muy rara, que se saca del suelo, y es puro por lo elemental que es.
Lutetium is a rare-earth element, very rare and from the earth, and it’s pure because it’s elemental!”
—Suplementos de lutecio combinados con megadosis de vitamina E parcialmente hidrogenizada —dijo una tercera persona.
Lutetium supplements combined with megadoses of partially hydrogenated Vitamin E!” a third person said.
La mayoría buscan transuránicos, que consiguen un buen precio en casi cualquier sistema solar, pero hay también un equipo rom que busca tierras roms, especialmente las más escasas, tulio, europio, holmio, lutecio.
Most of them are looking for transuranics, which fetch a good price in nearly every solar system, but there was also a Rom outfit at work hunting for rare earths, especially the scarcest of them, thulium, europium, holmium, lutetium.
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