Translation for "luis xvi" to english
Luis xvi
Translation examples
EL rey Luis XVI.
King Louis XVI.
Citando a Luis XVI...
To quote Louis XVI...
¿Qué Luis XVI?
Which Louis XVI?
- ¡Como Luis XVI!
- Just like Louis xvi!
De acuerdo, Luis XVI.
All right, Louis XVI.
Bueno, Luis XVI.
Er, I mean, Louis XVI.
Auténtico Luis XVI.
Authentic Louis XVI.
¡No en Luis xvi!
Certainly not about Louis XVI.
La mesa Luis XVI...
The Louis XVI table...
Corazón de Luis XVI.
Heart of Louis XVI.
Luis XVI salió del palacio.
Louis XVI appeared outside the palace.
Era Danton exigiendo a gritos la cabeza de Luis XVI.
I was Danton roaring for the head of Louis XVI.
Sospechaban que Luis XVI conspiraba con sus colegas reales;
They suspected Louis XVI of conniving with his fellow kings;
Luis XVI muere con la cabeza bajo la cuchilla de la guillotina.
Louis XVI lies with his head under the guillotine knife.
de modo que él debía fidelidad, no a Luis XVI, sino al pueblo francés.
so his allegiance now was not to Louis XVI but to the French people.
Maigret se sentó, no sin precauciones, en un frágil sillón imitación Luis XVI;
Maigret lowered himself cautiously into a fragile, reproduction Louis XVI chair.
Una piececita exigua, amueblada estilo Luis XVI, con profusión de espejos.
It was a very small room, furnished in the Louis XVI style, with a profusion of mirrors.
Kees se sentó en un pequeño sillón Luis XVI para quitarse los zapatos.
And he sat down on a little Louis XVI chair to take off his shoes.
Luis XVI y María Antonieta bailaban toda la noche porque eran ingenuos.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette could dance all night because they were naïve.
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