Translation for "luchado por ella" to english
Luchado por ella
Translation examples
fought for her
Podrías haber luchado por ella.
Could have fought for her.
Es decir, debí debí haber luchado por ella.
I mean, I should I should have fought for her.
Sabía, sentía, que ella era la única, que ella tenía que ser mía, que debía saber, que hubiese luchado por ella con honor.
I knew, I felt, that she was the only one, that she had to be mine. That she also knows, she must know, that I had fought for her with honor.
él había luchado por ella apasionadamente.
he had fought for her and pleaded for her.
Jamás has luchado por ella ni has sangrado por ella.
You’ve never fought for her or bled for her.
Incluso después de haberlo traicionado y abandonado, había luchado por ella.
Even after she deserted and betrayed him, he fought for her.
He luchado contra la dominación blanca y he luchado contra la dominación negra.
I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.
Quienes han luchado por la libertad nunca renunciarán a ella.
Those who have fought to gain their freedom will never give it up.
Hemos luchado contra el terrorismo en el pasado.
We have faced and fought terrorism in the past.
La humanidad ha luchado muchas batallas contra muchas enfermedades.
Mankind has fought against many diseases.
48. Los puertorriqueños han luchado contra la sordera imperialista.
48. Puerto Ricans had fought imperialist deafness.
Si esa mesa significaba tanto para tí, entoces deberías haber luchado por ella.
If the table meant that much to you, You should have fought for it then.
Ha luchado todo el día. —¿Ha luchado?
She's fought all day.' 'Fought?'
Todos vitorearon. Algunos habían luchado, y otros habían luchado mucho.
Some had fought, and some had even fought a lot.
Hemos luchado contra Bethod, y hemos luchado a su lado, por todo el Norte.
We’ve fought against Bethod, and we’ve fought with him, all across the North.
—Y que ha luchado en duelos.
“And fought in duels.”
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