Translation for "llegar al coche" to english
Llegar al coche
  • get to the car
  • to the car
Translation examples
get to the car
—Puedes apoyarte en mí para llegar al coche.
“You can lean on me until we get to the car,”
Toda la atención de Cassie se concentraba en llegar al coche y salir de Las Vegas.
CASSIE'S full focus was on getting to the car and then getting out of Las Vegas.
estaba demasiado ansioso en llegar al coche antes que yo para abrirme la puerta del conductor.
he was too eager to get to the car first and open the door of the driver’s seat for me.
Entonces, poco antes de llegar al coche, aprovechando que los dos están solos, Stan suelta:
Then, just before they get to the car, taking advantage of the fact that there are only the two of them, Stan says:
Le dije que si me permitía abrir la marcha, iba a tratar de llegar al coche.
I told her that if she was going to let me lead us I was going to try to get to the car.
En cuestión de segundos atraviesan la casa, recorren el camino de entrada, donde las losas de azurita están cuidadosamente incrustadas en la gravilla, hasta llegar al coche, aparcado a distancia prudencial.
It takes only a few seconds to race through the house, to run down the driveway where the bluestone is carefully set in gravel, to get into the car that has been parked out of sight.
to the car
- Tal vez pueda llegar al coche.
- I'll go to the car.
Vamos, cariño. ¿Podrás llegar al coche?
Come on, baby. Can you make it to the car?
–Te congelarás antes de llegar al coche.
“You'll freeze walking out to the car.”
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