Translation for "las cifras son correctas" to english
Las cifras son correctas
  • the figures are correct
Translation examples
the figures are correct
La oradora desea saber si esas cifras son correctas y, en caso afirmativo, cómo fue posible lograr esos resultados.
She wished to know whether those figures were correct and, if so, what had brought about those results.
Si esas cifras son correctas, el salario mínimo legal es superfluo.
If those figures were correct, the legal minimum wage was useless.
Si la cifra es correcta, se pregunta por qué hay tantos problemas a la hora de garantizar la gratuidad y universalidad de la enseñanza primaria y por qué el Estado parte está considerando la posibilidad de pedir a los padres que paguen la educación de sus hijos, y la forma en que se gasta esa asignación.
If the figure was correct, she wondered why there were so many problems with providing universal primary education free of charge and why the State party was considering requiring parents to pay for their children's education, and asked how the allocation was being spent.
Desea saber si esa cifra es correcta y, en caso afirmativo, qué medidas está adoptando el Gobierno para hacer frente a la situación.
She wished to know whether that figure was correct and, if so, what the Government was doing to address the situation.
El orador desea saber si esa cifra es correcta.
He wished to know if that figure was correct.
Si esas cifras son correctas, las susodichas iniciativas han sido ineficaces.
If those figures were correct, the initiatives had not been successful.
Si las cifras son correctas, el Pakistán se pregunta por qué no dan resultado las medidas encaminadas a poner coto al comercio en tránsito.
If the figures were correct, Pakistan wondered why the efforts to curb the transit trade were not succeeding.
Suponiendo que esa cifra fuera correcta, cosa que no está demostrada, la razón que aduce el Relator Especial de ese desplazamiento es falsa, pues la verdadera causa es que el Irán y sus agentes promueven la migración mediante el uso de la fuerza o la difusión de información falsa.
Supposing that that figure was correct, which had not been proved, the reason cited by the Special Rapporteur was not true, the real reason being that Iran and its agents were encouraging migration through the use of force or the spreading of false information.
Desearía saber si esa cifra es correcta y, en caso afirmativo, por qué ha disminuido.
He would like to know whether that figure was correct and, if so, why expenditure was decreasing.
Confiamos en que nuestras cifras son correctas porque el Departamento de Asistencia Social efectúa completas verificaciones locales de las cifras, distrito por distrito.
We are confident that our figures are correct because the Social Welfare Department regularly and comprehensively verifies the numbers, in situ, on a district-by-district basis.
Créame, estas cifras son correctas.
Believe me, those figures are correct.
Andrew no se molestó en husmear para ver si todas las cifras eran correctas, aunque sabía que Kate sí lo hacía.
Andrew didn’t bother peering to see if all the figures were correct, though he knew Kate did.
Eilis no le dijo que ella nunca cometía errores cuando sumaba si no que fue despacio, como le había advertido, asegurándose de que las cifras eran correctas.
she said. Eilis did not tell Miss Fortini that she never made mistakes when she did addition. Instead, she worked slowly, as she had been advised, making sure that the figures were correct.
Según me había contado mi padre, la población del Archipiélago antes de la cruzada rondaba los dos millones de personas y, si las dos cifras eran correctas, habría sido asesinada una décima parte de la población total del Archipiélago.
My father had told me that the Archipelago’s population before the Crusade had been around two million— if both figures were correct then a tenth of the Archipelago’s people had died.
Si la cifra es correcta, el comercio de drogas ilegales constituye un 8 por ciento de todo el comercio internacional (mientras que los textiles suponen un 7,5 por ciento y el de vehículos de motor el 5,3 por ciento)[35].
If this figure is correct, the trade in illegal drugs constitutes 8 percent of all international commerce (while the sale of textiles makes up 7.5 percent and motor vehicles just 5.3 percent).35 And yet, prohibition itself is what makes the manufacture and sale of drugs so extraordinarily profitable.
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