Translation for "lado de la silla" to english
Lado de la silla
  • chair side
  • side of the chair
Translation examples
chair side
Su babero es de un blanco dental y canturrea para sí mismo, y sus manos son hábiles cuando recoge instrumentos de la brillante bandeja que hay al lado de la silla.
He is bibbed in dental white, humming softly to himself, his big hands deft as he plucks instruments from the gleaming chair-side tray.
side of the chair
Aquí hay huellas a cada lado de la silla.
Over here, there are handprints on either side of the chair.
—A unos veinte centímetros al lado de tu silla.
About ten inches to the side of your chair.
La señora Havers se había derrumbado sobre un lado de la silla.
Mrs. Havers was slumped to one side in the chair.
Las gotas de sangre empezaron a resbalar por un lado de la silla.
Blood started dripping down the side of the chair.
En el otro lado había varias sillas y una gran mesa de escritorio.
The other side had several chairs and a big desk.
Al lado de la silla de Karl estaba su mugriento sombrero.
By the side of the chair in which Karl had sat was his shabby felt hat.
Fröbe cerró los ojos y cayó de un lado de la silla.
Fröbe closed his eyes and fell to one side off the chair.
Se agachó y alcanzó una carpeta que tenía a un lado de su silla.
She reached down and picked up a file folder that rested against the side of her chair.
Marion retrocedió y Westley se colocó a su lado, arrastrando una silla.
Marion dropped back and Weaver sprang to her side, dragging a chair with him.
Robbie apretaba tanto un lado de la silla que los nudillos se le habían puesto blancos.
Her knuckles hid whitened where her hand gripped the side of the chair.
Se agacha para coger algo del otro lado de la silla y saca un ramo de flores rosas.
He reaches down on the other side of his chair and pulls up a bouquet of pink flowers.
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