Translation for "jocosamente" to english
Translation examples
La mera existencia de la NSA, jocosamente mencionada como "no tal agencia,"
The mere existence of the NSA, jokingly referred to as "No Such Agency,"
Dentro de la profesión se los llama jocosamente «los médicos ratas».
Within the profession, they are sometimes jokingly referred to as ‘Rat Doctors.’
—Pues si tiene alguna que le sobre… —dijo Henry, jocosamente.
‘Well, if you have any to spare . . .’ Henry said jokingly.
—¿Otra marcha sobre Roma? —le sugiero jocosamente. —Nunca —dice—.
‘Another march on Rome,’ I suggest jokingly. ‘Never,’ he says.
El tono de Josh es jocosamente amargado o amargadamente jocoso, si es que existe tal combinación.
Josh sounds jokingly bitter or bitterly joking, if there is such a combination.
Anunció jocosamente que me estaba haciendo un visita en calidad de doctor de energía;
He jokingly announced that he was paying me a visit in his capacity of energy doctor.
El propio Jerry se refería jocosamente a la paliza como un recordatorio de que no debía salir a hurtadillas a comprar comida basura.
Jerry himself jokingly referred to the beating as a reminder that he shouldn’t sneak out for junk food.
Era miembro fundador de un club en Angel Court, cerca de Throgmorton Street, jocosamente conocido como la Cocina de los Ladrones.
He was a founding member of a club in Angel Court, off Throgmorton Street, which was jokingly known as the Thieves' Kitchen.
El 27 de julio Salinger le dijo a Hemingway que había terminado dos historias más que, jocosamente, calificaba de «incestuosas».
On July 27, Salinger told Hemingway that he had completed at least two more stories that he jokingly called “incestuous.”
La familia no perdió nunca la pasión por la comida tradicional de los judíos (lo que Solomón Mijóels describió jocosamente como «nacionalismo gastronómico»);
The family never surrendered its love of traditional Jewish food (something Solomon Mikhoels jokingly described as “gastronomic nationalism”);
—preguntó jocosamente Varian.
Varian asked facetiously.
—¿A Andrew Himmerman, por ejemplo? —preguntó ella jocosamente—.
‘Like Andrew Himmerman?’ she asked facetiously.
el ministro del Interior aplaudió jocosamente tan excelente puntería.
the Minister of the Interior facetiously applauded her aim.
—preguntó jocosamente Sand—. ¿O es un secreto? Fanning se encogió de hombros.
Sand asked facetiously. “Or is it a secret?” Fanning shrugged.
—Bubnov se lo pasaría muy bien allí —intervino Martin jocosamente.
“Bubnov would have a grand time there,” Martin interjected facetiously.
uno de sus capítulos se titula «La última cena» y otro, jocosamente, «De la inmaculada percepción».
one of its chapters is entitled ‘The Last Supper’, and another, facetiously, ‘On Immaculate Perception’.
—No creo que a Allyson le importe —dijo jocosamente, pero sus parientes se lo tomaron en serio y le encomendaron que transmitiese a la enferma el cariño de ambas.
“I don't think Allyson will mind,” Page said facetiously, but they took it seriously and said to be sure she told her that they both sent their love.
En aquel momento, uno de los cazadores, un mucho alto y espigado, llamado Henderson, se dirigía a popa, yendo desde la bodega (nombre con que jocosamente designan los cazadores la parte central del barco donde duermen) a la cabina.
One of the hunters, a tall, loose-jointed chap named Henderson, was going aft at the time from the steerage (the name the hunters facetiously gave their midships sleeping quarters) to the cabin.
En La gaya ciencia (1882) contó la historia de un loco que por la mañana irrumpe en la plaza del mercado, gritando: «¡Busco a Dios!». Cuando los escépticos transeúntes, que han perdido su fe, le preguntan jocosamente si Dios ha huido o ha emigrado, él replica: «¡Lo hemos matado nosotros: vosotros y yo!
In The Gay Science (1882), he told the story of a madman who ran one morning into the marketplace, crying: ‘I seek God!’ When the sceptical bystanders, who had lost their faith, asked him facetiously if God had run away or emigrated, he replied: ‘We have killed him – you and I!
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