Translation for "irritante" to english
Translation examples
Son sumamente irritantes para la piel y extremadamente irritantes para los ojos.
They are severely irritating to the skin and extremely irritating to the eye.
"corrosivo/irritante" por "corrosivo/irritante cutáneo";
"least corrosivity/irritant original" with "least skin corrosivity/irritant original";
"(para los irritantes)" por "(para los irritantes oculares)".
"(irritant)" with "(eye irritant)".
Se acepta que no todos los irritantes cutáneos son irritantes oculares.
It is recognized that not all skin irritants are eye irritants.
- ¿Quién es irritante?
- Who's irritating?
Una tonta irritante.
An irritating fool.
¡Es irritante tu amiga!
She's irritating!
Eres tan... irritante!
You're so... irritating!
Esto es irritante.
It's irritating.
Se volvió irritante.
She'd become irritating.
Pero no era más que eso: irritante.
But no more than irritating.
Eso era lo más irritante.
That was the most irritating thing.
Era de lo más irritante. —Lo lamento.
That was irritating as hell.
Era ligeramente irritante.
It was mildly irritating.
El incidente que habían tenido era irritante.
The incident was irritating.
La gravedad era irritante.
The gravity was irritating.
—Oh, esto es irritante.
Oh this is irritating.
Era gélido e irritante.
It was arctic and irritating.
48. El bajo nivel de instrucción produce efectos irritantes.
The low level of literacy has an aggravating effect.
Los asentamientos son una señal siempre visible e irritante de la ocupación y la conducta ilícita de Israel como Potencia ocupante.
Settlements are an evervisible and aggravating sign of occupation and of Israel's illegal conduct as an Occupying Power.
Sheriff, es irritante.
Oh, Sheriff, that's aggravating.
Esto es muy irritante.
That's very aggravating.
Dios, eres tan irritante.
God, you're so aggravating.
Es amargo e irritante.
It's bitter and aggravating.
¡Qué irritante es!
How aggravating he is
Eres muy irritante.
You're a very aggravating man...
- Eso es irritante.
- Now that's aggravating.
La encuentro muy irritante.
I found it very aggravating .
—Sería irritante —reconoció Velo.
“That would be aggravating,” Veil admitted.
Qué irritante debía de resultarle algo así.
How aggravating that would be.
No todos los encuentros fueron tan irritantes.
Not all of the encounters were so aggravating.
Pero que no le gustaba. Era demasiado… irritante.
He didn't like it It was too… aggravating.
¿Por qué había tenido que nacer esta irritante humana?
Why had this aggravating human ever been born?
—Eres una joven muy irritante, Jane —dijo su esposa—.
‘You are the most aggravating girl, Jane,’ said his wife.
-Mayor Pitt, es usted un joven peculiarmente irritante.
“Major Pitt, you are an uncommonly aggravating young man.”
No hay nada más irritante que ver cómo alguien se destroza la vida.
There’s nothing as aggravating as watching someone else make a hash of life.
Costoso e irritante.
Expensive and exasperating.
Es una chica irritante, Srta. Edmonston.
You're an exasperating girl, Miss Edmonston.
Eso era irritante.
It was exasperating.
¡Qué obtusa e irritante insistencia!
Such obtuse, exasperating insistence!
Sí, es correcto. Fue un asunto irritante.
That’s right, it was an exasperating incident.”
—¡Puedes ser muy irritante!
You can be very exasperating!
He tenido una mañana muy irritante.
I have had a very exasperating morning.
Eso es lo que lo hace tan especialmente irritante.
That's what makes it so particularly exasperating.
En la ciudad de Scranton encontraron pacientes extraordinariamente irritantes.
In Scranton, they had unusually exasperating patients.
Pero te tomas todo este asunto con una displicencia tan infernal… que resulta irritante.
But you take the entire matter with such infernal indifference—it is exasperating.
Es una triste circunstancia porque, cuando vivía, la mía era una naturaleza particularmente irritante.
It's a sad loss, because in life mine was a particularly exasperating nature.
—Sí. —Oh, no. —Oh, sí. Lo más irritante que me ocurrió jamás.
"Yes." "O no." "O yes. Most exasperating thing that ever happened in my life.
Era irritante que no pareciera tomar nada en serio, ni siquiera el amor.
It was exasperating that he seemed to be serious about nothing, not even about making love;
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