Translation for "ir a buscarlos" to english
Ir a buscarlos
Translation examples
go find them
Tenemos que ir a buscarlos.
We have to go find them.
- Ellie ... - Homer, tenemos que ir a buscarlos ....
-Homer, we have to go find them.
- Déjame ir a buscarles.
- Let me go find them.
Quiero decir que tal vez deberíamos ir a buscarlos a ..
I mean maybe we should go find them.
- Pero usted puede ir a buscarlas.
- But you can go find them, right?
Estoy preocupada. Deberíamos ir a buscarlo.
- l'm worried. I think we should go find them.
- Deberíamos ir a buscarlos.
- We should go find them.
Tú y yo debemos ir a buscarlos.
You and I get to go find them.
En aquel momento, su madre estaba en los campos y no tuvieron tiempo de ir a buscarla.
Their mother was in her field at the time, and they did not have time to go look for her.
—No tuve que ir a buscarlo.
“I didn’t have to go looking.
Tenía que ir a buscarla, ¿verdad?
He had to go look for her, didn’t he?
—¿Y mi tarea consiste en ir a buscarlo?
“And my job is to go looking for him?”
No ha habido ninguna razón para ir a buscarlo.
There’s been no cause to go looking for him.”
Shekel nunca tenía que ir a buscarlo.
Shekel never had to go looking for him.
Creo que deberíamos ir a buscarlo.
I think we ought to go look for him.
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