Translation for "involucrados" to english
Translation examples
3) Países involucrados o con posibilidades de estar involucrados en conflictos internacionales.
(3) countries involved in or likely to be involved in international conflicts.
Internos involucrados en indisciplinas
Inmates involved in breaches
Territorios involucrados
The Territories Involved
La deforestación en África, América Latina y Asia afectará tanto a los países involucrados como a los no involucrados.
Deforestation in Africa, Latin America and Asia will affect the countries involved and not involved alike.
B. Instituciones involucradas
B. Institutions involved
Landale está involucrado.
Landale's involved.
- ¿Quién está involucrado?
Who's involved?
- Roberto está involucrado.
- Roberto's involved.
¿Está involucrado Maui?
Maui's involved?
Vale. Está involucrada.
She's involved.
¿Tú estás involucrada?
You're involved?
Sutton está involucrado.
Sutton's involved.
Neal está involucrado.
Neal's involved.
Tenemos familiares involucrados, padres involucrados.
We got family members involved, parents involved.
Jack está involucrado.
Jack's involved.
Existe la posibilidad de que los británicos estén involucrados. —¿Y tú? ¿También estás involucrado?
There is a chance the British are involved." "And you? Are you involved?"
Nada prueba que estuviera involucrada… o involucrada aun sin saberlo.
It still doesn’t mean she was involved… or not knowingly involved.
Yo no estaba involucrada.
I was not involved.
Y no estoy involucrado».
And I’m not involved.
- ¿Estás involucrada en eso?
“Are you involved in that?”
Estoy involucrado en esto.
I'm involved in this.”
—Tiene que estar involucrado.
“He’s got to be involved.
Posible soborno en que está involucrado un funcionario de la UNAMID
Possible bribery implicating a staff member at UNAMID
Recientemente, se ha acusado a algunos dirigentes congoleños de haber estado involucrados en algunas de esas violaciones.
Some Congolese leaders have recently been implicated in some of those abuses.
Denuncia de mala gestión y abuso de poder en que estaba involucrado un funcionario de la UNMIS
Reported mismanagement and abuse of authority implicating a staff member in UNMIS
b) Otras circunstancias que den origen a la responsabilidad del Estado involucrado en ese hecho.
(b) Any other ground for establishing the responsibility of any State which is implicated in that act.
f) El grado de culpabilidad de la persona involucrada;
(f) The extent of culpability of the person implicated;
E. Fuerzas militares y de seguridad involucradas en violaciones de
E. Military and security forces implicated in human rights violation
Hostigamiento e intimidación en que está involucrado un antiguo funcionario de la CEPA
Harassment and intimidation implicating a former staff member of ECA
En esos casos de violación estaban involucrados muchos civiles, además de personal estatal.
Besides State agents, many civilians were implicated in those cases of rape.
No obstante, la puesta en libertad se suspendió porque estaba involucrado en un caso civil".
However, his release was suspended because he was implicated in a civil case.
- No estoy involucrado.
- Not to implicate me.
- Whitehead ha estado involucrado.
- Whitehead's been implicated.
Dijiste que estabas involucrado.
You said you were implicated.
- Y ahora tú estás involucrada. - ¿Yo?
- And now you're implicated.
Obviamente, Marana estuvo involucrado.
Obviously Marana was implicated.
Yo estaba manchado e involucrado.
I was tainted, and implicated.
- No está involucrado.
- Not to implicate him.
- Que esté involucrado es ridículo. - ¿Maude?
~ Your implication is as preposterous - ~ Maude?
Yo estaría involucrado.
I'd be implicated.
Has sido oficialmente involucrado.
“You’ve been officially implicated.”
No estás involucrado en ningún crimen.
You’re not implicated in any crime.”
Fausto y su mensajero estaban involucrados.
Faustus and his runner were implicated.
Tú no estás involucrado en la muerte del senador Boyette.
You’re not implicated in the death of Senator Boyette.
Me gustaría creer que no estoy involucrado en esta contienda.
I’d like to believe I’m not implicated in this war.
Me aterra verme involucrada con todos esos sabelotodos.
I’m terrified of being implicated by all the smarmy experts.
Si él miraba para otro lado, estaba tan involucrado como los demás.
If he looked the other way, he was as implicated as the rest.
La dopamina ha estado involucrada en la psicosis, concretamente, en sus delirios y sus alucinaciones.
Dopamine has been implicated in psychosis, its delusions and hallucinations in particular.
El espectador se ve involucrado, aunque solo sea porque está contemplando la imagen.
The viewer is implicated if only because he or she is looking at the picture.
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