Translation for "interrogado" to english
Translation examples
Que los testigos de la acusación estén presentes para poder ser interrogados
To have witnesses against her or him present for examination
Al ser interrogada por el juez de instrucción, se la informará nuevamente de esos cargos.
On being questioned by the examining magistrate, he is again informed of those charges.
Los testigos y peritos propuestos por una parte podrán ser interrogados por la contraria.
The opposing party may cross-examine witnesses and experts.
Al día siguiente, fue llevado ante el juez de instrucción para ser interrogado.
The following day, he was taken before the examining Judge for interrogation.
2.5 Durante el juicio, los autores tercero y cuarto fueron interrogados como testigos.
2.5 During the trial, the third and fourth authors were examined as witnesses.
Fui interrogado por mucho tiempo.
- Yes. I was cross-examined.
Tú serás el primer interrogado, Sabatka.
- First they'll examine you, Sabatka.
¿Acaso no fue interrogada ya?
But hasn't she already been cross-examined?
Este antropoide no puede ser interrogado.
This anthropoid cannot be examined.
Será examinado e interrogado.
He'll be examined, debriefed.
¡No deseo ser interrogado!
I don't wish to be cross-examined!
Tim me preparó para ser interrogado.
Tim prepped me for cross-examination.
- ¿Lo han interrogado alguna vez?
- Have you ever been cross-examined?
El ratón interrogado por los gatos
Empezó siendo interrogada por Depleach.
It started with her examination by Depleach.
He interrogado a todos los testigos del incidente.
I've examined all witnesses to the incident.
No se halla en condiciones de ser interrogada en este momento.
She is in no condition to be examined at the present time.
Te he interrogado muchas veces, Bobby.
‘I’ve cross-examined you enough times, Bobby.
¿Has interrogado al honorable reverendo? —Aún no.
‘Have you cross-examined the Honourable Reverend?’ ‘Not yet.
Por su parte, Ferreira, nuevamente interrogado, confesó su conformidad.
Ferreira, examined in his turn, confessed that this was so.
Johnny, con toda humildad, se prestó a ser interrogado y vuelto a interrogar, seguro de su inocencia.
Johnny went virtuously to be examined and re-examined, conscious of his innocence.
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