Translation for "inclusa" to english
Translation examples
Sustitúyase incluso por especialmente;
Replace including with especially;
Transporte (incluso en el
Transportation (including inland) .77
(incluso partidas presupuestarias)
(including from the budget)
incluso para producción
including for productive purposes
OTHER MATTERS, including:
Incluso diarios
Including daily papers
Clamidiosis, incluso en adolescentes
Clamidiosis, including in teenagers:
Incluso cursos diurnos
including day courses
Incluso en bebés.
Including babies' corpses
Incluso mi hermano.
including my brother.
Incluso su pene.
Including your cock.
- ¿Incluso las mujeres?
- Including women? Sure.
- incluso en la B.C.U.
- including B.C.U.
Incluso una mujer.
including a woman.
Incluso con chofer.
Including a driver.
Incluso tomar esteroides?
including taking steroids?
¿Incluso la fuga?
Including busting out?
Es lo mejor para todos, incluso para mí, incluso para ella.
It’s the best way for all concerned. Including me. Including her.
—En el de todos, incluso en el mío.
Everybody, including myself.
Incluso la policía.
Including the police.
—¿Incluso con oficiales?
Including officers?’
—¿Incluso McClintock?
Including McClintock?”
Incluso a las mujeres.
Including the women.
—¿Incluso retener a una niña?
Including kidnapping?’
Incluso la suya propia.
Including your own.
22. De conformidad con el artículo 288, toda persona que interne a un niño en una inclusa ocultando la identidad del mismo, independientemente de que el niño se inscribiera en el registro civil como legítimo o se reconociera como hijo ilegítimo, será sancionada con pena de prisión de dos meses a dos años.
22. Under article 288, anyone who has a child placed in a home for foundlings by concealing the child's identity, regardless of whether the child was officially registered as a legitimate or a recognized illegitimate child, shall be punished by imprisonment for from two months to two years.
148. Incluso los expósitos tienen derecho a un apellido y un nombre que le atribuirá provisionalmente el funcionario del registro civil en espera de una decisión de atribución de nombre.
148. Foundlings and abandoned children are also entitled to a first name and a family name. They are attributed provisionally by the registration officer pending a judgment regarding attribution of a name.
Estableceremos un turno de guardia en la puerta de la inclusa por si las moscas, ¿no os parece?
Don't you think we'd better post a guard at the foundling's door just in case?
Cuando nazca, lo entregaré a la inclusa, pero por favor, no me pida que lo mate, por favor.
If you are born, it foundling-hospital, but please ... Do not ask me to kill. Please.
El padre de Paloma lo ha llevado a la inclusa esa o como se llame y lo ha abandonado allí.
Paloma's father has taken him to the foundlings' home or whatever and has left him there.
¿el cowboy ha estado en una Inclusa?
Is this cowboy a foundling?
Sé cuánto agradece nuestras donaciones a la inclusa y, precisamente, querríamos hacer algo más por su causa.
I know how grateful the foundling-hospital due to donations. And we want to be done to the cause.
El niño tendrá que ir a la inclusa, con los demás huérfanos.
The baby will have to go to the foundling hospital.
Para serte sincero, soy un niño de la inclusa.
I’m a foundling-home kid, truth be told.”
No tenían una auténtica sala de interrogatorios en la inclusa.
They didn't have a real interrogation room at the foundlings' home.
luego me obligó a entregar el niño a la inclusa.
then she forced me to give the child to the foundling hospital.
A Rob lo abandonaron sus padres y se crio en una inclusa.
Rob was abandoned by his parents and raised in a foundling home.
Sabía que el personal de la inclusa no le daría nada hasta el desayuno.
She knew the staff at the foundlings' home wouldn't give her anything till breakfast.
Y en aquellos momentos fantaseaba con el placer de volver a la inclusa en Brewhouse Lane.
And in those moments he would daydream of the joy of going back to the foundling home in Brewhouse Lane.
Podían llevarse a la niña al continente hasta el final del embarazo y luego dejar a la criatura en una inclusa.
They could take their daughter to the Continent, wait out the pregnancy, and put the infant in a foundling hospital.
En la inclusa lo habían azotado por quedarse mirando el cielo de una noche despejada a través de la claraboya del taller.
He had been whipped in the foundling home for staring at a clear night’s sky through the workshop skylight.
La hermana Jeanne conocía el camino a los diversos orfanatos de Brooklyn o a la inclusa de Manhattan mejor que ninguna de las otras.
Sister Jeanne knew the route to the various Brooklyn orphanages, or to the Foundling Home in Manhattan, better than any of the others.
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