Translation for "inclinada hacia atrás" to english
Inclinada hacia atrás
Translation examples
Al contrario, se había inclinado hacia atrás en su silla, cubriéndose el rostro con el sombrero.
Rather, he had tilted back in his chair and covered his face with his hat.
Fish bebía cerveza, la silla inclinada hacia atrás y los ojos fijos en las llamas.
Fish drank his ale, tilting back his chair and staring into the fire.
—Estaba inclinado hacia atrás, casi cayéndose del taburete, para poder mirarme.
He was tilted back, almost off the stool so he could look me over. “Stiff as a bitch,”
—Jaime estaba sentada, inclinada hacia atrás en su silla, con una botella fría de Miller entre las piernas.
Jaime sat tilted back in her chair, a cold bottle of Miller between her legs.
Tenía los ojos cerrados y la cabeza inclinada hacia atrás para que el sol le diera en la cara.
His eyes were closed and his head tilted back so that he could get the sun in his face.
En aquellas sillas movibles, inclinadas hacia atrás, antes de que se apagasen las luces muchas personas estaban ya roncando.
These sloping chairs were tilted back, and before the lights dimmed many people were snoring.
Tenía las manos perfectamente entrecruzadas sobre el regazo y estaba sentado con la silla ligeramente inclinada hacia atrás.
His hands were folded perfectly still in his lap as he sat with his chair tilted back slightly.
—siseó Random. —¡Mirad! —dijo Deirdre, y su cabeza estaba inclinada hacia atrás y señalaba hacia lo alto.
hissed Random. “Look!” said Deirdre, and her head was tilted back and she was pointing upward.
Con la cabeza inclinada hacia atrás, dije: —La lámpara. —Es la misma que la del retrato —confirmó Elizabeth—, solo que más grande.
Head tilted back, I said, “The chandelier.” “Same as in the portrait,” Elizabeth concurred. “Only larger.”
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