Translation for "impunemente" to english
Translation examples
41. Se sigue violando impunemente el derecho a la vida.
41. The right to life continues to be violated with impunity.
119. El derecho a la vida se sigue violando impunemente.
The right to life continues to be violated with impunity.
Se siguen burlando impunemente las órdenes del Consejo de Seguridad.
The injunctions of the Security Council continue to be flouted with impunity.
El Líbano no puede dedicarse impunemente al terrorismo internacional.
Lebanon cannot engage in international terrorism with impunity.
Los países ya no podrán utilizar minas terrestres impunemente.
No longer will countries be able to use landmines with impunity.
Zimbabwe, el régimen pisotea los derechos políticos impunemente.
In Zimbabwe the regime trampled on political rights with impunity.
Los grupos ilegales y las estructuras clandestinas operaban impunemente.
Illegal groups and clandestine structures operated with impunity.
Los agentes aprovechan de esas disposiciones para practicar la tortura impunemente.
Agents took advantage of that provision to practise torture with impunity.
25. Se ha derramado demasiada sangre impunemente.
25. Too much blood has been shed with impunity.
No se destruye impunemente a una camada de linces.
A lynx's lair is not despoiled with impunity.
Les insultan en público, les atacan, les roban impunemente.
They are insulted in public, assaulted or robbed with impunity.
Nadie insultaba a Nelly Lorentz impunemente.
No one insulted Nelly Lorentz with impunity.
Sabía que podía hacerlo impunemente.
He knew he could do so with impunity.
¡No se puede jugar impunemente con la maquinaria científica!
You can't mess with scientifical machinery with impunity!
Ya nadie se atrevía a hacerle un feo a la prensa. Es decir, impunemente.
No one was rude to the Press anymore — not with impunity, that was.
Me quitó el cuerno impunemente y me metió en una mazmorra.
He took my horn with impunity and cast me in a dungeon.
Estos chinos no se atreverán a arrestar impunemente a dos europeos.
These Chinese don't they will dare to arrest two Europeans with impunity.
—Del miedo a los hombres encapuchados que asesinan y violan impunemente.
“From the fear of men in hoods who murder and rape with impunity.”
los convictos más fuertes robaban impunemente a los débiles o enfermos.
the strong convicts stole from the weak or sickening convicts with impunity.
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