Translation for "impune" to english
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Hasta el momento esas violaciones siguen impunes.
These violations have gone unpunished to date.
Tales actos no pueden quedar impunes.
Such acts could not go unpunished.
Este acto criminal no debe quedar impune.
This criminal act must not remain unpunished.
No puede quedar impune.
It cannot go unpunished.
Ninguno de esos actos debe quedar impune.
No such acts should go unpunished.
Esas violaciones persisten porque permanecen impunes.
Such violations continued because they went unpunished.
Esos actos no deben quedar impunes.
Such behaviour must not go unpunished.
Hasta el momento, los responsables continúan impunes.
So far, the attackers had gone unpunished.
Los culpables siguen impunes.
Those responsible were still unpunished.
Estos hechos no deben quedar impunes.
Such actions should not go unpunished.
Ninguna erección queda impune.
No boner goes unpunished.
No va impunes.
It's not going to go unpunished.
Esto no puede quedar impune.
This cannot go unpunished.
Nada queda impune.
Anything is unpunished.
Y quedaron impunes.
It went unpunished.
No puedo quedar impune.
- I can't go unpunished.
Porque ejecutaron a fascistas criminales impunes
unpunished fascist criminals.
Ningún homicidio queda impune.
No murder goes unpunished.
Nada se queda impune.
Nothing goes unpunished.
No quedarán impunes.
They won't go unpunished."
Y un asesino quedará impune.
And a murderer will go unpunished.
¿Hay muchos crímenes que quedan impunes?
Are there a lot of crimes that go unpunished, or are there not?
Van solemnes, e impunes.
They’re grand, and they go unpunished.
Aquello no podía quedar impune.
This could not go unpunished.
Por lo tanto no debe quedar impune.
So he cannot go unpunished.
Pero el crimen no quedará impune.
But this crime isn’t going to go unpunished.
Evil must not unpunished go .
¿Acaso él quedará impune? —Comprendo.
Is he to go scot free?
—¡Asombroso! O sea, ¿qué Ritu ha quedado impune?
Amazing! So Ritu has got off scot-free?
Buzzy Thurston, estuviese o no en el funeral, tampoco saldría impune.
Buzzy Thurston, there or not there, would not get off scot-free, either.
Salir «impune» era un delito capital en New Hampshire.
Getting off “scot-free” was a cardinal crime in New Hampshire.
Ezra, el favorito de su madre, había salido impune.
Ezra, his mother’s favorite, had got off scot-free.
Liquidé al rival y salí impune, porque no hubo testigos.
Wipe off the rival and get away scot-free because there are no witnesses.
Seguramente, no quedaría impune, pero se libraría de lo peor.
He probably wouldn't escape scot-free, but might avoid the worst.
Matasteis a dos de mis agentes y quedasteis impunes.
You murdered two of my people and got off scot free.
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