Translation for "ignorarte" to english
Translation examples
La gente tiende a ignorarte.
People tend to ignore you.
—Ahora, antes de que decida no ignorarte.
“Now, before I decide not to ignore you.”
O empiezan a ignorarte, porque piensan que tú los estás ignorando a ellos.
Or they start to ignore you because they think you’re ignoring them.”
Está dispuesta a aceptar tu presencia aquí y a ignorarte.
She’s willing to accept that you’re here and ignore you.
–Mira -replico-, no pretendía ignorarte.
‘Look,’ I call out. ‘I didn’t mean to ignore you before.
¿Cómo puedo ignorarte allí, como has sugerido?
How could I there ignore you, as you have suggested?
Muchos operadores eran instintivamente corteses, y si los saludabas se limitaban a ignorarte.
Many, many traders were instinctively polite, and if you said hello they'd just ignore you.
Si quieres, puedes tratar de convencerme, pero estoy completamente preparada para ignorarte.
You can try to talk me out of it, but I’m fully prepared to ignore you.”
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