Translation for "iglesias dedicadas" to english
Iglesias dedicadas
Translation examples
31. Iglesia dedicada a la Presentación de Santa María al Templo, en Veliko Krusevo
31. Church dedicated to the Entrance of St. Mary into the Temple, Veliko Krusevo
10. Iglesia dedicada a la Presentación de Santa María al Templo, en Dolac, cerca de Klina
10. Church dedicated to the Entrance of St. Mary into the Temple, Dolac near Klina
48. Iglesia dedicada a la Natividad de Santa María, Softovic, cerca de Urosevac
48. Church dedicated to the Birth of St. Mary, Softovic near Urosevac
El Sr. Mnatsakanyan (Armenia) dice que su delegación está profundamente preocupada por la reciente ola de atentados terroristas en el mundo, en particular los dirigidos a los armenios en la República Árabe Siria, donde los terroristas minaron y bombardearon una iglesia dedicada a la memoria de las víctimas del genocidio armenio.
69. Mr. Mnatsakanyan (Armenia) said his delegation was deeply concerned about the recent spate of terrorist acts in the world, including those targeting Armenians in Syria, where a church dedicated to the memory of Armenian victims of genocide had been mined and blown up by terrorists.
Tenemos muchas iglesias dedicadas a Marнa Magdalena... y a Juan el Bautista.
We have the many churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist.
—Una islita con una pequeña iglesia dedicada a Haghios Spiridion.
A little island with a church dedicated to Haghios Spiridion.
un solo edificio de piedra, la iglesia dedicada a San Marcos por Amurath el Grande.
a single stone building, the Church dedicated to St Mark by Amurath the Great.
No lejos de la entrada, en el lado norte de Bowyer Row, había una iglesia dedicada a San Martín.
Not far inside the gate, on the north side of Bowyer Row, stood a church dedicated to St. Martin.
A lo largo de la ruta jacobea, había iglesias dedicadas a Santiago y monasterios cluniacenses que se ocupaban de los peregrinos.
All along the Compostela road there were churches dedicated to Saint James and Cluniac monasteries to take care of pilgrims.
Si la Inquisición y la Sociedad de Jesús considerasen que estos santos son fraudulentos, las iglesias dedicadas a su memoria no permanecerían abiertas.
If the Inquisition and the Society of Jesus found these saints were fraudulent, the churches dedicated to their memories would not stay open.
William se mostraba ambicioso de dinero a fin de construir su nueva iglesia en Shiring, la iglesia dedicada a la memoria de su madre, maligna y medio loca.
William was greedy for cash to build his new church in Shiring, the church dedicated to the memory of his vicious, half-mad mother.
Shakespeare se apresuró por Cheapside Street hacia Poultry Street, pasó por las pequeñas iglesias de San Peter y Santa Mildred, subió por Threadneedle Street, a cuyo lado oeste se ubicaban las iglesias dedicadas a San Christopher-le-Stock y a San Bartolomé.
Shakespeare hurried up Cheapside to the Poultry, past the smaller churches of St. Peter and St. Mildred, and up onto Threadneedle Street, which boasted on the west side churches dedicated to St. Christopher-le-Stock and St. Bartholomew.
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