Translation for "homeostático" to english
Translation examples
Regulación homeostática de la temperatura y adaptación fisiológica al estrés calórico y susceptibilidad a las sustancias peligrosas en la biota
Homeostatic temperature regulation and physiological adaptation to heat stress and susceptibility to hazardous substances in biota.
Un sistema homeostático que me hace rápidamente recuperar el equilibrio.
A homeostatic system that makes me quickly regain balance.
Él tiene un sistema anti-homeostático.
He has an anti-homeostatic system.
La acupuntura hace que el cuerpo recupere el equilibrio homeostático.
Master Point Zero returns the body to homeostatic balance.
Es una tristeza sincera y como tú estás tan alegre, hay un equilibrio homeostático.
It's an honest down, and since you're so up, there's a homeostatic balance.
Es lo que llaman un sistema homeostático.
It's what's called a homeostatic system.
Es horizontal, mercantil, discursiva y homeostática.
"It’s level, mercantile, discursive, and homeostatic.
A medida que entraban, sus homeostáticas lámparas frontales se iban encendiendo.
As they went in their homeostatic forehead-lamps brightened.
Aproximadamente en esta fase se tornan homeostáticos y homeotermos como los mamíferos.
At about the same time, they become homeostatic and homeothermic, as mammals are.
—Yo… estoy en un negocio de trampas homeostáticas para alimañas —dijo Stuart.
“I’m—in the homeostatic vermin trap business,” Stuart said.
Nuestra interferencia ha estado impidiendo su proceso homeostático en curso.
Our interference has been impeding its ongoing homeostatic process.
—Y, además, pensó, un dardo homotrópico y homeostático con punta de cianuro.
And, he thought, a cyanide-tipped homeostatic, homotropic dart.
Y entonces comprendió que estaba viendo una Trampa Homeostática Hardy en acción.
And then she realized that she was seeing a Hardy Homeostatic trap in action.
Eric extrajo de su maletín una pequeña unidad quirúrgica homeostática;
From his case Eric lifted a small surgical homeostatic unit;
¿Funcionas en forma homeostática, o sólo eres receptor de instrucciones que vienen de tu exterior?
Are you homeostatic or are you a receptor for instructions coming from an outside point?
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