Translation for "hogar-gente" to english
  • home-people
Translation examples
Habrá personas desplazadas de sus hogares, gente que sufrirá inundaciones, sequías y tormentas producidas deliberadamente por las acciones y órdenes de quienes controlan los sistemas.
There are going to be people displaced from their homes, people who suffer in floods and droughts and storms deliberately produced by the actions and orders of these two control systems.
Me habían encarcelado unas personas que enviaban a pistoleros armados a recoger a chicos menores de sus hogares; gente entre la que se contaba un hombre tan malvado que dejaba huellas oscuras ardiendo en el suelo.
I’d been imprisoned by the type of people who sent armed gunmen to collect young boys from their homes – people who included a man so evil, he left dark footprints burning on the ground.
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