Translation for "hijas eran" to english
Hijas eran
Translation examples
Tus hijas eran infelices.
Your daughters were unhappy.
Y para demostrar quién poseía a quién, castigó a Boudica a ser azotada públicamente, mientras sus dos hijas eran violadas delante de ella.
To make the point about who exactly owned whom, Boudicca was treated to a public flogging while her two daughters were raped in front of her.
¡Mi esposa e hijas eran inocentes!
My wife and daughters were innocent!
Mis hijas eran habitantes de Toyokawa.
My daughters were residents of Toyokawa.
Claro que solo hice investigación clínica cuando mis hijas eran pequeñas.
I only did clinical research when my daughters were young.
Pensaba que nuestras hijas eran bastante espectaculares.
I thought our daughters were rather spectacular.
En los viejos tiempos, cuando los deseos aún conseguían cosas buenas... vivía un rey cuyas hijas eran todas bellas.
In olden times, when wishing still did some good there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful.
Sus tres hijas estaban casadas y tenían hijos;
Each of his three daughters were married and had children.
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