Translation for "hecho verificado" to english
Hecho verificado
  • verified fact
  • made verified
Translation examples
verified fact
La OCI reprocha al Relator Especial que haya incluido en su informe cuestiones y principios que no han recibido el asentimiento de toda la comunidad internacional, que no se haya basado en datos fidedignos y en hechos verificados y que no haya tenido en cuenta el conjunto de los hechos, contraviniendo así varias disposiciones de los artículos 3, 6, 8 y 12 del Código de Conducta.
OIC was alarmed at the inclusion of issues and principles in the Special Rapporteur's report that did not enjoy universal recognition by the Member States, were not based on reliable information or verified facts, and did not take into account all of the facts, in violation of a number of the provisions of articles 3, 6, 8 and 12 of the Code of Conduct.
Tony y su aburrida y absurda preocupación de publicar hechos verificados.
Boring T ony and his weird preoccupation with printing verifiable facts.
—Nicola Mulko es una figura trágica en este asunto, y condeno personalmente la irresponsabilidad de los medios que permiten que se emitan vídeos en crudo de personas con problemas mentales como si fueran hechos verificados.
Nicola Mulko is a tragic figure in this, and I personally condemn the irresponsibility of these raw newsfeeds that allow statements from mentally ill people to be presented as if they were verified fact.
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