Translation for "hallazgos fueron" to english
Hallazgos fueron
Translation examples
- Todos sus hallazgo fueron desechados.
All his findings were thrown out.
Esos hallazgos fueron inconcluyentes, y lo sabes, Neutron!
Those findings were inconclusive, and you know it, Neutron!
Los hallazgos fueron sombríos con resultados mostrando que menos de la mitad de los estudiantes de secundaria fueron capaces de identificar correctamente el siglo en que se luchó la Guerra Civil.
The findings were bleak, with results showing that less than half of high schoolers were able to correctly identify the century in which the Civil War was fought.
Sus hallazgos fueron los siguientes:
Their findings were as follows:
Sin embargo, los siguientes hallazgos fueron muy distintos.
But the next finds were different.
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