Translation for "habla largamente" to english
Habla largamente
Translation examples
he speaks at length
El capitán lo entiende, recuerda que tuvo la misma sensación cuando se vio frente a su primer barco, deteriorado, casi podrido y lleno de limitaciones, recuerda cómo ese barco sin duda navegó al doble de su capacidad de marcha solamente para complacerlo a él, en unas breves frases que parecen sacadas de las memorias de Joseph Conrad (sobre todo El espejo del mar), en las que el escritor inglés habla largamente de la sensibilidad de los barcos, de su agradecimiento, de su negativa a ser violentados, de su percepción del carácter de quien está a su mando, de su facultad para reconocer, para sentirse traicionados o apoyados por quien los gobierna.
The Captain understands this, for he remembers having the same feeling when he stood before his first ship, which he found ‘rusting in the Mersey, gear all foul and a pigsty below’ and recalls how she sailed twice as sweetly for him as she would for any other master, out of gratitude, words that could have been drawn from Conrad’s memoirs (especially The Mirror of the Sea), in which he speaks at length about the sensitivity of ships, their gratitude, their refusal to be mistreated, their understanding of the character of their captain, their ability to recognize and feel betrayed or supported by the person in charge.
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