Translation for "habitacion habitable" to english
Habitacion habitable
Translation examples
Aquellas ruinas se encontraban en una parte muy remota de las montañas de Francia, y pagué ingentes sumas de dinero a los arquitectos y los obreros que traje a este lugar perdido y los reté a reconstruir el château no como había sido en mi infancia, con solo una de sus cuatro torres en pie y unas pocas habitaciones habitables en su parte central, sino como había sido originalmente, después de las Cruzadas, cuando mis antepasados estaban en la cima de su riqueza y poder.
These ruins were in a very remote part of the mountains of France, and I had paid immense sums to the architects and workmen whom I lured to this neglected spot and challenged them to re-create the Château not as it had been in my childhood, with one of its four towers left standing and only a few habitable rooms in its central portion, but to rebuild the Château as it had originally been after the Crusades, when my ancestors were at the peak of their wealth and power.
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