Translation for "ha sentido" to english
Translation examples
La cubierta ha sentido el impacto.
The deck has felt the impact.
Rusia ha sentido la necesidad de movilizar su ejército.
Russia has felt it necessary to mobilise her army.
Hasta ahora, Yogit se ha sentido bastante confiado.
So far, Yigit has felt pretty confident.
¿Crees que alguien que ha sentido esto tiene miedo a la muerte?
Do you think that someone who has felt this is afraid of death?
Es la primera vez que Carolina del Norte se ha sentido como en casa.
It's the first time North Carolina has felt like home.
Nadie más la ha sentido.
No one else has felt her, so...
Quiero decir, esto se ha sentido especial desde el momento que te conocí.
I mean, this has felt special from the moment that we met.
Hoy, América ha sentido el dolor de...
Today, America has felt the pain of...
Este lugar se ha sentido gracioso desde la semana pasada.
This whole place has felt funny for the last week.
Su Majestad ya ha sentido a Anubis respirar sobre ella.
Majesty has felt Anubis breathe on her before now.
Viviendo con él, ella se ha sentido encerrada.
Living with him she has felt imprisoned.
Se ha sentido solo durante mucho tiempo.
He has felt alone for a long time.
Aún el más ignorante lo ha sentido alguna vez.
even the most ignorant has felt this.
Ha sentido cada centímetro de la piel del genio;
He has felt every inch of genius’s skin;
Ha sentido la «presencia» en el baño varias veces.
He has felt the “presence” in the bathroom several times.
Ricardo ha sentido deseos de ir a buscar a su madre.
Ricardo has felt desires to go in search of his mother.
- ¿Ha sentido otras emociones?
Have you felt any other emotions?
¿Se ha sentido mareada desde que llego aquí?
Have you felt dizzy since you've been here?
¿Se ha sentido inexplicablemente enferma?
Have you felt inexplicably sick?
¿Y se ha sentido culpable toda su vida?
And have you felt guilty all your life?
¿Por cuanto tiempo se ha sentido así?
How long you felt like this?
¿Se ha sentido así?
Have you felt it?
Maestro ¿ha sentido algo en estas últimas noches?
Master, have you felt anything over the past few nights?
Ha sentido la muerte de cerca.
You felt death drawing near.
¿Se ha sentido diferente sobre ellos desde el huracán?
Have you felt... differently towards them since the hurricane?
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