Translation for "girar de lado" to english
Translation examples
Logen intentó girar de lado y exhaló un gemido al sentir que la punta le desgarraba la camisa y se hundía en su costado, marcándole una fría línea por debajo de las costillas.
Logen tried to turn sideways, gasped as the point slid through his shirt and down his right side, leaving a cold line under his ribs.
Se produjo un crujido estruendoso, y una gran zona del techo cayó medio metro, para detenerse, girar de lado y acomodarse lentamente sobre el suelo, apoyándose delicadamente contra la pared.
There was a loud croaking sound, and a large part of the ceiling dropped a few feet, then stopped, turned sideways, and settled slowly to the floor, leaning neatly against the wall.
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