Translation for "gente gente es" to english
Gente gente es
Translation examples
people people is
Desde luego, las minorías son gente; gente, no ángeles.
Sure, minorities are people; people, not angels.
Les encanta herir a la gente. Gente como Janet ".
They love to hurt people. People like Janet.
—¿Qué gente? —Gente a la que le gusta tu escritura, desde luego.
“What people?” “People who like your writing, of course.”
Y aquí estoy yo, con gente, gente por todas partes, y sin embargo nadie con quien interactuar.
And here am I, with people, people everywhere, yet not a one to interact with.
Dijo que había gente…, gente que pagaría si el caso no llegaba a resolverse.
He said there were people . people who would pay for the case to remain unsolved.
—Estaba tratando de proteger a mi gente, gente que te has pasado la vida tratando de exterminar.
“I was trying to protect my people, people you’ve spent your life trying to exterminate.”
Bastante gente (gente del negocio, quiero decir) sabe lo ocurrido con tu esposa.
Quite a few peoplepeople in the business, I mean – know what happened to your wife.
Sabía que mucha gente, gente importante, lo vería mal, pero lo hice de todos modos.
I knew a lot of peoplepeople who mattered—would disapprove, but I did it all the same.
¡Pero no pretendo vengar a los caídos en Theramore asesinando a mi propia gente! —¿Gente? —repitió Jaina—.
But do not seek to buy vengeance for the fallen of Theramore by killing my people!” “People?” Jaina echoed.
Entraba gente de todas partes, y no sólo gente: gente famosa, gente que estaba haciendo cosas.
People from everywhere stopped in, and not just people, famous people, people who were doing things.
De pronto apareció gente. Gente corriendo.
Suddenly people appeared. People running.
—¿Pasajeros que son gente? ¿Gente mortal? —Sí. —Ya… veo.
“Passengers who are people? Mortal people?” “Yes.” “I … see.”
Mucha gente, gente buena, iba a sufrir.
A lot of people — good people — were going to get hurt.
Conozco a mucha gente, gente que ocupa puestos importantes.
I know many people here, people in important places – no, not the men at the top.
—Creo que es alguien a quien Harwood… coleccionó. Colecciona gente. Gente interesante.
'I think he's someone Harwood… collected. Collects people. Interesting people.
Allí había demasiada gente, gente de la clase que había enviado a Jim a la cárcel.
There were too many people there, people of the kind who had sent Jim to prison.
Allí ya había gentegente que no era ni de mi casta ni de mi provincia— que esperaba que fuera yo la escogida.
Already there were people here—people not in my caste or from my province—who hoped it would be me.
Gente, gente poderosa, abandonaba Manhattan como las ratas huyen de un barco que se hunde.
People, powerful people, were deserting Manhattan like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
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