Translation for "fueron seleccionados" to english
Fueron seleccionados
Translation examples
Estos fueron seleccionados de mi colección de jade.
These were selected from my jade collection
Las personas fueron seleccionadas en base a la regularidad de sus patrones de sueño.
The people were selected based on the regularity of sleep patterns.
Algunos policías militares y civiles fueron seleccionados para ser parte de la Operacao Bandeirante.
Some civil and military policemen were selected to be part of the Operação Bandeirante.
Ustedes oficiales cadetes... fueron seleccionados por la más alta autoridad... para hacer este viaje.
You cadet officers, you were selected the highest authority to make this voyage.
Solo seis jóvenes de toda St. Antoine fueron seleccionadas, incluyendo a Isabelle Dupuis, y... y mi propia sobrina...
Only six young women in all of St. Antoine were selected, including Isabelle Dupuis, and... and my own niece...
En aquellos días, todos los "Rhodes Scholars" que fueron seleccionados tomaron un barco a Inglaterra.
In those days, all the Rhodes Scholars who were selected took a boat to England.
―Los colonos de Elysium fueron seleccionados con una lotería.
The colonists from Elysium were selected from a lottery,
Al fin, las parejas fueron seleccionadas y se levantó.
At last the pairs were selected and he heaved himself to his feet.
Richard, Max y Patrick fueron seleccionados para la misión exploratoria.
Richard, Max, and Patrick were selected for the scouting mission.
Los objetivos fueron seleccionados y preparados por escuadrones, equipos y luego por soldados individuales.
By squads, teams and then by individual soldiers targets were selected and prepared.
―Los colonos de Umbría fueron seleccionados a través de un concurso ―dijo Jane.
"The colonists from Umbria were selected through a game show," Jane said.
Los proto-perros fueron seleccionados por la obediencia a su amo y por destrezas útiles como la caza.
Proto-dogs were selected for obedience to their master and for useful skills such as hunting.
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