Translation for "fue tan apreciado" to english
Fue tan apreciado
  • it was so appreciated
  • it was much appreciated
Translation examples
it was so appreciated
El hombre llegado de Rusia, vía Toronto, estaba todavía en el Departamento, y su talento era tan apreciado que manejaba información sumamente secreta como director de encuestas e interrogatorios de los agentes procedentes del Bloque del Este.
The man from Russia, by way of Toronto, was still in the department, his talents so appreciated that by then he was processing highly classified information as the director of Eastern bloc debriefings and reports.
Los servicios que proporcionaba el ibis, especialmente en el pasado, eran tan apreciados por los Faraones que no tardaron en convertirlos en aves sagradas, y más todavía porque con su presencia anunciaban las benéficas y periódicas inundaciones del Nilo.
The services that the ibis rendered, especially in past times, were so appreciated by the Pharaohs, that they did not take long to make it a sacred bird, especially since they were those birds that with their appearance announced the beneficial and periodic flooding of the Nile.
it was much appreciated
Esa asistencia tan apreciada es necesaria en esta fase decisiva del proceso de construcción nacional.
That assistance is much appreciated and is necessary in this critical phase of the national construction process.
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