Translation for "fresas" to english
Translation examples
Fresas (8); fresas trepadoras (2)
Strawberry fruit (8); strawberry runners (2)
Fresas (9.1)
Strawberry fruit (9.1)
Fresas (34), fresas trepadoras (8)
Strawberry fruit (34), strawberry runners (8)
Estolones de fresa (6,234), fresa (12,000)
Strawberry runners (6.234), Strawberry fruit (12.000)
Fresas y verduras
Strawberries and vegetables
Me encantan las fresas. Fresas con nata.
I'd like strawberries, strawberries and cream.
- Es de fresa.
It's strawberry.
Las fresas saben a fresas.
The strawberries taste like strawberries.
Hay fresas, fresas silvestres, flores y lechugas.
There are strawberries, wild strawberries, flowers, and lettuce.
Fresas, pan, bruschetta de fresas mezclado con vinagre balsámico.
Strawberries, bread, balsamic muddled strawberry bruschetta.
—Melón chino, melón francés y fresas. —Fresas. Con yogur. Y granola.
“Honeydew, cantaloupe, and strawberries.” “Strawberries. With yogurt. And granola.
la ardilla, fresas;
the chipmunk, strawberries;
—¿Fresa o frambuesa?
Strawberry or raspberry?
—El pastel de fresas.
Strawberry shortcake.”
De fresa o de grosella.
Strawberry or gooseberry.
Toby había pensado en proponer una fresa, pero las fresas no crecían en los árboles.
Toby had thought of proposing a strawberry, but then, strawberries didn’t grow on trees.
Lidocaina con epi, Betadin, y el taladro con fresa... ahora.
Lidocaine with epi, Betadine, and a burr hole drill... now.
Usted toma la cesta mal, el baloncesto, y las fresas!
You take the bad crap and this basketball, and do the drills!
A partir de ahí: un aparato de ultrasonidos, una fresa...
From there, ultrasonic apparatus, high-speed drill...
Acelerando una fresa, he provocado una Shock hipnótico.
In raising the drill speed, I induced a hypnotic state.
¿Fuiste el primer dentista en usar la fresa que esparce agua?
Tommy tells me you were the first dentist to use that drill that spritzes water.
No había nadie afuera y escuché la fresa.
There was no one out front, and I heard the drill.
La fresa intraósea es la bomba.
The IO drill is the greatest.
Sus manos expertas manejaban la fresa eléctrica con suma pericia.
His expert hand guided the electric drill.
Su falsa simpatía me atrajo tanto como la fresa de un dentista.
Lemouz’s phony sympathy appealed to me about as much as a dentist’s drill.
Y entonces..., es como la fresa del dentista, que ya vibra incluso antes de que abras la boca.
And then-It's like the dentist's drill, already buzzing before you have even opened your mouth.
Ese hombre habría sabido mantener la calma incluso en manos de un dentista borracho con la fresa en la mano—.
He’d have kept his nerve under the drill of a drunken dentist.
Alana era seduta al posto del passeggero del pickup su cui era installata la fresa mentre Mike Duncan era al volante.
Alana sat in the drill truck’s passenger’s seat while Mike Duncan drove.
Mientras trabajaba, se volvía blandiendo la fresa en la mano a hablar con alguno de los que esperaban.
While he worked, he would turn around to talk to people in the waiting room, waving his drill.
Salazar encendió la pequeña sierra mecánica que empleaba para abrir cráneos y que sonaba como una fresa de dentista.
Salazar started the small circular saw that was used to open the skull. It sounded like a dentist’s drill.
La fresa me estaba dando unos escalofríos tremendos y he pensado: «Oye, soy adulto». Y he pedido más. —Increíble.
“Today the drilling sent shivers right through me, and I thought, Wait, I’m a grown-up. So I asked for more.” “Amazing.”
Inoltre, videro una seconda serie di tracce di un veicolo più leggero rispetto al pickup della fresa.
They also saw a second set of tracks from a vehicle lighter than the drill truck.
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