Translation for "frente a la bahía" to english
Frente a la bahía
Translation examples
facing the bay
Cenábamos en la terraza del hotel, frente a la bahía.
We dined on the hotel terrace, facing the bay.
Después de la comida, Héctor y yo continuamos la conversación de la tarde en el paseo de los Mártires, frente a la bahía apestada por los desperdicios republicanos del mercado público.
After the meal, Héctor and I continued the afternoon’s conversation on the Paseo de los Mártires, which faced the bay polluted by republican garbage from the public market.
Iríamos a lo largo de Row —la hilera de casas frente a la bahía—, lugar en que habían vivido mis amigos: Anne, que era solterona o estaba a punto de serlo, y Adam, cirujano famoso, muy atento conmigo pero que ya no me acompañaba a pescar.
    We would go down the Row–the line of houses facing the bay–and that was the place where all my pals had been. Anne, who was an old maid, or damned near it. Adam, who was a famous surgeon and who was nice to me but didn't go fishing with me any more.
En Sydney están mi viejo compañero de despacho y su esposa, en una casa frente a la bahía, con una piscina para hacer la gimnasia que él ha estado practicando desde los veintinueve años para mantener fuertes los músculos de la parte superior de su cuerpo, y ellos ya han decretado que me quede allí durante al menos dos semanas.
In Sydney I have my old office buddy and his wife in a house facing the bay, with a swimming pool for the exercises he's been doing since the age of twenty-nine to keep the muscles in his upper body strong, and they've already decreed I stay with them at least two weeks.
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