Translation for "frecuentes terremotos" to english
Frecuentes terremotos
Translation examples
Y, hablando de sus propios y frecuentes terremotos, el guatemalteco parece dar a entender a su lacónico modo que el castigo es merecido.
And, speaking of his own frequent earthquakes, the Guatemalan seems to imply in his undemonstrative way that the punishment is deserved.
Los edificios, de estilo colonial español, suelen ser aquí de una sola planta a causa de los frecuentes terremotos.
Most of the buildings are only two stories high, the Spanish-style architecture of the ground-hugging variety due to frequent earthquakes.
Las campanas de las iglesias tocaban a misa y vi un gran número de escolares pasar junto a mí de forma apresurada, pulcros y bien vestidos; dos pequeños grupos entraron escoltados por unos monjes en las iglesias, que eran muy antiguas y no presentaban ornamento alguno en la fachada, salvo las estatuas que alojaban unos nichos —santos con los rasgos borrados por el paso del tiempo—, cuyas piedras reparadas sin duda habían padecido los frecuentes terremotos que asolan esta región. Pasé frente a dos modestas librerías en las que no hallé ningún volumen que me interesara, salvo los acostumbrados devocionarios, pero eran muy caros.
The churches rang their bells for Mass, and I saw plenty of schoolchildren rushing past me, all rather clean and neatly dressed, and then two little crews being paraded by monks into the churches, both of which were quite antique and had no ornament on the front at all, save for statues deep in niches—saints who scarcely had any features left to them at all—the heavily patched stones of the facades obviously having weathered the frequent earthquakes of this region. There were two rather ordinary bookshops that had almost nothing much, except the prayer books one would expect to find, and these at very high prices.
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