Translation for "finalidad de la muerte" to english
Finalidad de la muerte
Translation examples
Pero era una culpabilidad que ignoraba completamente la finalidad de la muerte.
But guilt that absolutely understood the finality of death.
Aceptar la finalidad de la muerte formaba parte de estas reglas.
To accept the finality of death was part of his package, however.
Nunca más iba a volver aquella quietud, aquella finalidad… hasta la muerte tal vez.
Never again would come that hush, that finality—until death perhaps.
Que te digan un día que alguien que se ha ido al otro extremo del mundo, y con quien confías reunirte momentáneamente, ya lleva muerto varios meses, durante los cuales tú has seguido con tu vida, inconsciente de esta sustracción que ya ha tenido lugar, supone una burla de la finalidad de la muerte.
To be told one day that someone who has gone off to the other side of the world, and with whom you expect momentarily to be reunited, has actually been dead for many months, during which you have been going on with your life, unaware of this subtraction that has taken place, makes a mockery of the finality of death.
Al tratar de recordar a su abuelo, al intentar evocar los días dorados que habían pasado juntos, al reflexionar seriamente sobre la misteriosa finalidad de la muerte, al tratar de rememorar algo de su padre, a quien no recordaba en absoluto, sólo consiguió pensar en los días y semanas pasados en Roxten.
Trying to remember his grandfather, trying to make pictures of the golden days they had spent together, trying to cope with the mysterious finality of death, trying to evoke some memory of his father, whom he did not remember at all, he succeeded only in evoking memories of his days and weeks at Roxten.
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